[color=D6CC88]Amuné gave Cecil a relieved smile when he said he was doing okay. Him not being at 100% until sundown was unfortunate, but after that huge burst of magic the day before she could understand it. He'd really been amazing, taking care of that giant monster all on his own. "You take it easy if you need to so you can get all the way better," she said, nodding. When he was up and they were all starting back to their abandoned camp, the girl took one of Cecil's hands, and held the other out for Ethan to take, giving each of them a smile. Coming over the hill, she saw that while it looked like the place had been soaked, everything was more or less in one piece. Amuné dashed down to the tent, to look inside. Things seemed okay, so she grabbed her shoes and hurried over to the cart, waiting impatiently while the two adults flipped it back over. Once she could get at the packs she looked through them, intent on finding the med kit. It was there, thank the Saints, and she breathed a sigh of relief. With all the trouble they seemed to run into, it was important to have supplies for first aid. Amuné was also glad to see Jorvind and the other horse still there, though that puzzled her a bit. Hadn't they been loose during the night? How'd they end up tied up and not run off somewhere? The girl didn't have a good answer, so she turned her thoughts to other things as she helped clean mud off the cart and get everything ready to set out again.[/color]