[Center][color=lime][b]Lightning Guardian[/b][/color][/center] [Hider= Sanji Fugimoto] [Center]"You wait and see I'll be a millionaire"[/center] Name: Sanji Fugimoto Aliases: Mr. Millionaire, Namamori' s Table Tennis Champion. Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance:[hider][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c7b57e4bda6e9d73af48b0dbab362b5b/http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/RoxasDemonicAngel/AnimeBlondeBoy3.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=Tyl][img]http://naruto.gamehop.com/forum/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1331063-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/hider] Faction: Vongola Familiga Position: Vongola Lightning Guardian Canidate Flame: Lightning Equipment: iPhone 5c, Two table tennis bats called Hercules(Right) Hermeis(Left) and table tennis balls Fighting style: Uses Table tennis bats to slap/block attacks and then hits a table tennis ball when he attacks at such speed it actually hurts. His body can't take hits but he uses his precision to counter. Techniques: (MORE TO COME) [B]My serve[/b]: Throws two balls in the air and slaps them with the bats to hit the hips of the enemy and cause a sort of pincer move. Not used until later - [B]Zeus': Lightning Javilns[/b]: Sanji puts the lightning flame into the bats and fires the balls at pressure points. Not used until later - [B]Zeus': Guards of the skies[/b]: Sanji transfers all the flame from his body into the right handed bat (Hercules) To stop a massively strong attack. This would instantly make him fall to his knees after use. Would most likely be used when protecting the boss from a dire situation. Special Characteristics: Precision - Very precise you need to be if you want to hit such a small ball (Table tennis ball) Born Buisness man - Skilled for his age in selling or negotiating deals. I suppose he got them from his dad's Genes and or listening to him talk about work. Background: Ever since Sanji was young he was interested by his father's work. His father was a Sales Rep for a big company. He thought his dad was so cool like a monster truck with wings. But that changed one night when Sanji was 8. Sanji, his twin sister (Akiko) his mother, and his dad. Came out of the cinema, this was the only bit of the night he forgot the film itself, it was about animals or something. Anyway as they were walking to the car, this fat ginger man with a switchblade came out and asked Sanji' s family for 'Money and Credit cards'. His father threw his wallet down in a flash. Sanji couldn't believe it Superman just got mugged by Peter Griffin. But when the man grabbed Sanji' s mothers handbag she pulled back. The pride his mother had confused him and the man didn't mean to in the tussle his hands slipped and cut her throat. She fell and the man ran forgetting the money. Sanji is 8¹/² and he thinks about lifting dumbells using sandbags from the construction site as punching bags, it was a lot for someone of his age and as you'd expect he couldn't do it. His Twin sister (Akiko) Took interest in this and made herself his on 'personal trainer' a small 8¹/² year old trainer. She was quite energetic herself doing running for a junior cross country club. She said "You need to find your own thing" and Sanji said "I'm a man of Buisness I have a 'thing'" what a young child would call 'Buisness'. That didn't cut it so she helped him with table tennis and he went on to become junior champ. Naturally, he had to try out for Namamori table tennis club, they accepted him gratefully. This didn't stop him from selling sweets, posters, and what not Personality: Ambitious, Charismatic and Sociable. Sanji is good with words and is very sociable, liking most people. But with all this talk he is still human and feels scared around water, as he can't swim. His ambitions are to be the Buisness end of an organization, with little skill he has now, he has the potential of making PROPER, deals and whatnot. He's also very protective of his Twin sister talking to boys. Relationships: [b]Reina Saotome:[/b] As Sanji tries to befriend most people he did so with Reina... In a way. Reina tries to look after him and keep him out of trouble, one could say babysitting. [B]Yuki Volkov:[/b] They met at Namamori athletics and are good enough friends. Although they don't hang around with each other most of the time. Nationality: Japanese Birthdate: July 5th Bloodtype: A Height: 5"7 Weight: 55kg Likes: Playing on the school table tennis team, Making Profit (Even if it's small), Having a bit of fun. Dislikes: No Profit, Water (Cannot swim), Boys talking to his sister. Hobbies: Table tennis, 'Selling his goods'. Talents: Table tennis, Playing the Trumpet and Selling things (Sweets etc.) Family: [hider=Unamed Father][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lipmh1a2aW1qczujro1_500.jpg[/img][/hider][Hider=Twin Sister (Akiko)][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/67746595/original.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider]