[center][b]Godric Boneshatter[/b][/center] [center][b]Location: Ghost's Bastion[/b][/center] It was late in the day when Godric and his force reached the gates of Ghost's Bastion. Luckily, the sun had been veiled by thick clouds for most of the day. Sunshine was not, understandably, the most favourable of conditions for the undead. As the host approached the broken doors, a loud voice called to them. "Halt!" Cried a lesser revenant who stood atop the ramparts. A group of lesser undead stood in Godric's path, their thoughtless eyes staring ahead at him. Godric stared up at the revenant for a moment and said "Either remove this rabble from my path, or watch me do it on my own". The man on the ramparts scowled back at him. "State your business, stranger" he said. "I am Godric Boneshatter, here on orders from the black tower, if you must know" Godric answered. The lesser revenant hesitated, but he called down to the undead beneath him. "Move out of the way scum! Make it fast!". The lesser undead shambled slowly to the side and the host of Godric moved through the gate. Godric left his horse in the company of an undead servant in the stables, and then went back out into the streets of the broken city. Godric remembered the battle that had left this place in ashes. Untold numbers of undead warriors marched through the gate, slaughtering man, woman, and child. Good. All would find service in the dark army. Now the undead swarmed it in even greater numbers, marching down the winding roads while revenants of all different stature barked orders at them. Occasionally, a lesser wraith would wander by to observe the chaos, then move on to whatever other obscure goal they had in mind. Suddenly, a ghostly voice spoke Godric's name. He wheeled around to find a lesser wraith, cloaked from head to toe in black. "What do you want?" Godric asked harshly. The wraith answered in an emotionless voice, "I am to escort you to the great hall, a meeting has been called amongst the great leaders". Great leaders? It had been ten years since Godric had been called by any such title. Then again, it had been ten years since it was thought possible to kill Gedeon the Red. And now Godric was being called to sit amongst the generals of Dragonblade tower once again? It seemed as though the world had been flipped on it's head in a matter of a few days.