Drache arrived at the Kvaren gathering on the morning of the 24th, the massive encampment sprawling out across the plains before her. It was difficult to keep her feet on the ground, her wings held high behind her as Laurel and her friends led her in among the tents, greeting old friends and picking a spot for themselves amid the rest of their fellow nomads. The atmosphere was wholly festive and competitive and the camp was nearly frantic with activity. Everywhere the half-dragon looked she spotted something new and fascinating. Of particular note were strange-coloured horses that spoke, though they sounded a bit slow-witted to the red-scaled hybrid, and she made a note to take special care if she ever felt hungry enough to pick off something alive as a snack. Music thrummed through the ground under Drache's talons, and the clash of weapons drew her attention as rippling warriors tested their strength against each other in fast-paced fighting in rings marked with coloured rope. The dragoness met people of races she'd never met, and found her mind awhirl as she bravely tested out her basic understanding of their language, laughing with them when they had to correct her, which was very often. It was fortunate that most of these people knew Common, and her new friends were happy to translate when she was introduced to someone who didn't. To anyone watching it would be clear that the half-dragon was new among these people. Her clothing alone, tailored to her unique shape, was decorated in a style foreign to both the Kvaren and Ebonfort. She was doubly lucky that she had not met with the same fate as the slaves. It was only when she asked about Ebonfort that Kraven led her over to look at the slaves. Unlike the Screamers, Drache stood for a while watching those bound to the huge posts, her fiery eyes gleaming thoughtfully until she was pulled away to meet a twin pair of impressively buff dark-skinned men Laurel called "Swordmasters". [color=ed1c24]"Yes, of course I'd love to meet them. Now what was that you were telling me about a Warlord who got her horse stolen at a party?..."[/color]