Megumi watched as Raffey and another knight started to attack the tentacled beast when red vines burst out of the ground, engulfing the monster. She was confused to say the least, she had never seen anything like that before. She cringed as she heard Raffey's pained scream. When she regained her focus, she noticed that Raffey and the knight had been caught by the vines, it looked agonizing. She heard a loud, shrill whistle, she look around, wondering if something was about to arrive to help. Something did arrive, but not to help Raffey. The giant beetle picked up Megumi in it's sticky jaw, she felt like complaining, but when she heard something thump against the Beetle, she was glad that it had picked her up. She slowly got up after being spat out by the beetle, her clothes covered in slime. She looked back as she tried to shake the slime off herself. She pat the grieving beetle on the side for a moment, before the Aaenshi approached her. [color=ed1c24]"I have no idea.."[/color] She responded rather unemotionally, but when she saw Raffey and a woman being tied to some horses, she felt some relief. [color=ed1c24]"But I know that they're alive. For now."[/color] Megumi continued. She nodded in agreement with the Aaenshi. Hiding for now was the best idea. She climbed on top of the giant beetle with relative ease as it lowered itself for mounting. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps we should rescue them.."[/color] She said in a non-committal tone. She wondered why she should help them. From what she was taught as a child. Those who were caught were no use. They were liabilities. She shook her head slightly. Raffey had saved her life, so she owed him that. No matter how much of an idiot he was in the first place. ~~~~ After awhile, the group have joined a much larger looking tribe. And all thoughts of rescue were shattered in that moment. She cursed under her breath. [color=ed1c24]"There's no hope of saving them now."[/color] Even if they had the martial prowess to take them on, they wouldn't live for very long. Megumi became painfully aware of her lack of martial skill, which made her curse again.