[center][h2][b][color=0072bc]Mirai Yumiya[/color][/b][/h2][/center] The clattering of metal caused Mirai to look up. The swords she and Aneko use landed in front of her. Directing her gaze forward and a silver-haired woman was standing about where the swords used to be. Something seemed familiar about the woman's face and she had an air of importance. Perhaps she was the one leading this attack. [color=0072bc][i]Why would she give me my weapon back?[/i][/color] Mirai's prosthetic arm reached forward and gripped the sword, and she slowly got onto her hands and knees. [color=0072bc][i]Nobody is looking this way. This is my chance... to do... something...[/i][/color] Before the blue-haired girl could get up a powerful gust of wind knocked her back over onto her side. This one was far less painful but equally surprising. Looking up to find the source, the man with the demon mask that knocked her away had summoned a terrifying and gigantic mace. But the building had a barrier around it that reflected his attack. A weight felt like it had been lifted from Mirai's shoulders. [color=0072bc][i]That's right. There are others inside. They don't need me to defend this place. Not like I could in the first place. If that monster couldn't destroy the barrier then nothing can. I don't have to try to fight them.[/i][/color] Once again she picked herself up, resting on her knees as she sheathed her sword on her back. [color=0072bc][i]But what do I do now? They still haven't noticed me. I could kill that lady... maybe. That'd make me a hero, right? But, even if I pull it off perfectly and kill her, I'll probably die too... What should I do, Aneko?[/i][/color] Mirai looked past the Red Sages before her to where her servant's unconscious body was. Well, hopefully she was just unconscious. A blow like that wouldn't be fatal, right? She wasn't moving though and Mirai can't check her pulse from far away. A wave of anxiety began to creep over the girl again. [color=0072bc][i]Did they kill her? I must know. I have to save her. I have to fight them. I have to-[/i][/color] A mist suddenly appeared around the compound, obstructing Mirai's vision of most everything. She instinctively jumped to her feet, reaching for her sword again with her real arm. But apparently the source was friendly, as another girl jumped out of the smoke and offered a hand and assistance. [color=0072bc]"Uh,"[/color] Mirai let out first, leaving her sword sheathed and bringing her hand back down to her side. [color=0072bc]"I think... that's their leaders over there. We should go. They'll kill us."[/color] Mirai looked in the direction of the enemies, but the mist was too thick to see them. Hopefully it worked the other way as well. [color=0072bc]"My serv- er, my friend is on the other side of them. She got knocked out. We have to get her away from here too."[/color] Mirai crouched down, picking up Aneko's sword and holding it with her metal arm. [color=0072bc]"If you can carry her out of here I'll distract them and catch up..."[/color] With her free hand she withdrew several shuriken and held them between her fingers. [color=0072bc]"We need to regroup. We outnumber them, but..."[/color] Mirai pulled her arm back, preparing to throw her weapons in Seijo's direction through the mist. [color=0072bc]"They surprised us. Let's organize."[/color] And with that she gave it her best toss. Sure, Seijo could've moved in the past few seconds and Mirai would be none the wiser. But she had to do something. If she used explosives it would lift the fog and her stealth would be gone. Then that demon-mask guy, or any other Red Sages that could've gathered, could easily chase her down and kill her. She had to rely on luck, something she was perfectly willing to rely on if it meant she wouldn't have to die. [hr] [center][h2][b][color=ed1c24]Katsuko Moto[/color][/b][/h2][/center] The red-haired man behind the demon mask scoffed, looking back towards Seijo. [color=ed1c24]"More capable than me? Nobody is,"[/color] he remarked aloud, though not particularly loudly so as to instigate an argument with Seijo. Now would be a particularly bad time to argue, being in the middle of a battle and all. His gaze went back towards the barrier as he began tapping the gigantic club against his shoulder. [color=ed1c24][i]It's like she didn't even notice all the men I took out. Whatever, she's just doing that to hurt my ego.[/i][/color] The mask felt particularly uncomfortable suddenly and he had to resist the urge to take it off. After all his identity was something worse protecting. Unlike Seijo he hadn't been identified or associated with the Red Sages. As long as nothing incriminating was said or done around the enemies he would still be able to go home this night and not worry about being found out. [color=ed1c24][i]Wait a minute...[/i][/color] He turned to face Seijo again. [color=ed1c24]"You used my name! Why would you do that!?"[/color] Though he didn't seem overly heated about the situation, one could definitely detect the anger in his voice. [color=ed1c24]"Now we have to kill everyone!"[/color] Before he could complain to his boss any further, a mist technique spread across the government's building and around the compound. Having decided in the heat of the moment that he didn't care anymore, Katsuko ripped off the stupid mask and threw it in the direction of the barrier. The mist was so thick that he couldn't see what happened to it, but it would've bounced off and landed somewhere he wouldn't have to deal with it any longer. [color=ed1c24][i]Can't use Saihyousen like this. Not with Seijo and the others so nearby. I'd never hear the end of it if I hurt the Lady Commander.[/i][/color] The red-haired man quickly sealed his massive weapon back in its scroll and stowed it in a pouch along his belt. [color=ed1c24][i]Clearly there's an enemy that will try to take her out in the mist. Can't see anything though. Oh well, she's a big girl, she'll handle herself. At least she better handle herself.[/i] [i]Meanwhile I'm useless right here. This has to be one of those barriers that uses tags. There's no way they've got someone in there who is stronger than me and can withstand my attacks. There has to be tags. I'll search for those.[/i][/color] Katsuko began to jog along the outside of the barrier, making sure to keep it at about an arm's length away. The thick mist made it impossible to see further than his arm's reach anyways, so he was at least able to navigate to that degree. [color=ed1c24][i]Surely the tags have to be near the corners. Just have to find this corner and... here.[/i][/color] He reached the front left (from the front door's perspective) corner of the building and accordingly the corner of the barrier. [color=ed1c24][i]There has to be one here...[/i][/color]