Cleo left her hand on the wall to have at least a little guidance while she walked through the pitch dark corridors, as she suddenly stopped. Those wall was not made of smooth cement or bricks. It felt more like... debris piled up. For a moment she wondered why there were debris piled up instead of a solid wall. There has to be a reason. Just as she was considering trying to use the screen-light of her phone to have a better look at the 'wall', she heard a voice, not far away from her. Cleopatra tensed and didn't move, her hand still on the 'wall' and not breathing. She could make out three persons only a few steps away from her. A light coming from a phone was turned on. [i]A phone.[/i] The voice was male. And according to his words, he was just trapped here, exactly like her. [i]There were others? Did they have the same phone with the same text and the same bandage on their arm?[/i] The second voice to speak was female, and again it sounded rather like she was also trapped in this dark place. Cleo wasn't sure if one of them was only playing victim but instead was the kidnapper or whoever sent this text. She could either stand and hope she didn't get seen by those people or she could approach them. The third option, leaving, was already out as Cleo wouldn't do that. She didn't even know where she was and by her luck she was already lost and wouldn't even find back to the room she woke up in. With the hatchet in her hand tightly, she was ready to lift it up whenever someone attacked her. Knowing enough ways to defend herself, she didn't think lowering the hatchet when she approached them would give her any less chances of coming out as the victor in a possible fight. After all swinging a dull hatchet from above was not the only way to get a strike on the enemy. And with the hatchet lowered she had less chances of looking like a crazy murderer. The girl braced herself for any kind of attack and spoke. [color=a187be]"Hello?"[/color] She didn't dare to step closer yet. [color=a187be]"My name is Cleo and I am trapped in this place. I am confused and according to what I overheard - I'm sorry for that by the way - you are only trapped victims in this weird unreal situation too.[/color]"