[center] [color=bc8dbf][h3]Hello everybody[/h3][/color] If you have any interest in [color=bc8dbf]FxF[/color], please feel free to PM me. [color=bc8dbf][h3]Notes[/h3][/color] Only FxF please Character developement should be included 18+ scenes can be included Violence, strong language, ect can be included [/center] [hr] [color=bc8dbf][h3]My Interests[/h3][/color] Basically everything that involves a good story not focused on just sex [h3]Fandom[/h3] [list] [*] The 100 (Clexa) [*] Shannara (Eretria&Amberle) [*] Once Upon A Time (SwanQueen) [*] The Legend of the Seeker [*] Harry Potter world [*] Disney [*] Mortal Instruments (aka Shadowhunters/ aka City of bones) [*]Hunger Games/Divergent/Dancing Jax (some books I've read) [/list] [h3]I am up for[/h3] [list] [*] Fandom (throw in ideas if you want) [*] Fantasy/Magic/Demons/Underworld [*] Crime ([color=bc8dbf]->[/color] Hacker) [*] Slice Of Life [*] Survival [*] Apocaliptic/Post apocaliptic [*] Horror; dark plots [*] Drama [*] Space / Sci-Fi [/list] [color=bc8dbf][h3]Plot Ideas[/h3][/color] [Hider=Island] (Similar to Cast Away or Lost) Your character and mine get stranded on an island and are all alone with no idea where the others are. The two of us have to find a way to live with the situation and survive until we get a way off this island. What secrets does the island hide? Will we survive? [/hider] [Hider=Space Discovery] We live on a planet called a-Teria. The planet exists in universe Six-O-Three (6.03). Our species is very much like the humans ones. There are only a few differences. For one, our species is able to receive children also with two males or two females. Our lives last longer than on earth. Our technology is way further than theirs and earth itself does not exist in our universe. Earth exists in universe alpha. Also known as A1B3. Or dead zone. We are a happily married couple. I work at the space union - a place where they learn and discover space. Every 10 years they choose 12 people who are qualified and who passed the hard theoretical and practical tests. Those 12 people each get one space ship big enough to live in, with supplies to last for years. They get send off into space with their families or without them to bring new discoveries and go search the entire universes. I get accepted and for us this means a new life. Away from home, but with a lot new adventures ahead of us. The temptation to travel to universe alpha is always big for every space traveller. There on earth lives the only other species similar to ours. But it's not called dead zone for no reason... We take the hard and lonely task to bring new information to our world and spend our entire life on this metal space ship. The question is what does each universe and each planet hold? And will we survive this life? [/hider] [Hider=Witching] They sold you. Now you're a slave. You expected some bad treatment and a terrible life. But what you didn't expect was that the woman who bought you was an actual witch. The whole poison brewing thing and cursing people stuff kind of witch! The woman owns you now and soon you become not only a slave to clean and grab herbs but you become an apprentice. The witch is not a nice person and has no patience whatsoever. She's cruel and likes to trick people. Often there's not even a right answer to her questions, but you need to take it as it comes. The only thing that you didn't expect once you got used to the whole witchcraft thing was... This witch was quiet damn attractive... [/hider] [Hider=The Map] Two best friends who live together share a secret. One of them is a werewolf and the other a witch. They mock around and like to make fun of each other but they're closer than sisters. They know that in the world where magic is hidden from "normal people" there's not only good but also bad. A group of people are trying to end humanity, thinking it's time for a new age without humans or anything alike. They only need to being together a bunch of long lost things and if all of them are in one place bad things will happen... The witch and the werewolf decide to take it upon themselves to find the objects first and keep them safe. And a special map is supposed to help them... On their way they will need to make a lot of hard decisions and decide whether they have the time to save a village from a nasty leader or save a few elders from getting banned... or if they move along with closed eyes to lose no time. After all its a race between them and the group of world-end believers. [/hider] [hr] [center] Everything that is based on a nice developing story is worth a shot. We can make a plot/story together, if you want to. [color=bc8dbf][h3]Just hit me up[/h3][/color] [/center]