[CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/w3Pzb63.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]| NAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Benedict Fletcher[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT]Ben / Riftwalker[/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.: |[/B] [INDENT]March 11, 1983.[/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]33[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT]Male​[/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B] [INDENT]Heterosexual[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT]Ben stands at a fairly average height of 183 cm and weighs at about 78 kg. For a man working as a news reporter, he does possess a certain physique which one might consider, if he/she observes constructively, to be belonging to a person who spends a half of his life training physically and participating towards the Olympic games. Exaggerations aside, Ben's body frame mainly constitutes an athletic build composing of broad shoulders and lean, compact muscles contracted among his limbs. Most of these were the result of an extensive physical training and a healthy, well-regulated diet which he developed as he decided to embody himself towards a disciplined lifestyle. His face resembles a diamond-like shape structured with a defined jawline enclosed by a small thicket of facial hair. He has grey eyes, topped with a thin pair of eye brows and between, is a straight nose line. His hair is trimmed regularly but that shouldn't obviously sound as a surprise given the job he's into. As a man working at the media department, he's often formally clothed since that's how all attires should be when facing in-front of the camera and speaking to a lot of people watching national television. Off work, he wears his usual clothing line which comprises of sweatshirts and jeans. He doesn't fuss himself over his own style of clothing as he considers these matters as something rather insignificant. He'd prefer worrying about his weekly haircut style and his bonuses since alcohol isn't cheap.​[/INDENT] [B]| GENUS: |[/B] [INDENT]​Homo-Virium[/INDENT] [B]| CLASSIFICATION: |[/B] [INDENT]Mercury[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES/SKILLS: |[/B] [INDENT][b][i]Adhesive treading/balancing:[/i][/b] Ben is able to walk on any solid surface, be it uneven, crooked, round, or whatever pattern a course may weave, he's able to walk on it smoothly and without a single worry of falling. The concept doesn't actually centralize mostly on the fundamental laws of gravity as the power's function comes mainly from the atomic structure built inside of Ben. Each of the atoms composes a certain molecular property that allows his mass to be accustomed against any layers of matter. To simply put, Ben possesses an inherent stickiness to the earth's surface, allowing him to freely tread anywhere he wants as long as the track he's traversing is a [i]solid[/i] surface. This bucks him up to walk on any constructions. He can go on top of a 50-floor high rise by just walking on its exterior all the way to the uppermost part of the edifice. He can, [i]and of course,[/i] walk upside down. Also, he can easily march on a swinging steel platform while it's being lifted up by a crane several feet from the bottom. At times, he can even travel towards an impassable, mountainous terrain as if he's just going in for a morning jog. These common practices present most of what Ben is capable of but there are others which are yet to be discovered by him. [b][i]Parkour:[/i][/b] Though not an expert at it, Ben has basic knowledge of vaulting, swinging and rolling from different obstacle courses using a handful of techniques, and of course with the use of his ability, he's able to pull off some few invented tricks of his own. He's not an expert because his body isn't the most flexible nor the most agile, and having that condition won't be enough to maneuver the most complex of exhibitions. Still, he has his basic understanding and what he learned is what he often uses in combat. [b][i]Hand to hand combat:[/i][/b] Ben was trained for three years with the disciplines and techniques of Silat and Muay Thai by a man named Steven Wan. After ending the teaching program they've agreed, Ben is now able to exhibit different approaches on both fields, garnering knowledge on basic principles and tactics to bring his opponents down. Although he has yet to reach his master level, Ben has his own inherent impressiveness to improvise techniques he haven't learned yet and use them along with his Hyperhuman ability to produce lethal dynamics. [hider=limits]Although Ben is able to walk anywhere and everywhere, limitations will always be inevitable. There are some conditions where he's not able to set his feet into, not unless he mans up, decides to take the risk and die a painful death afterwards. One of which, and of course the most apparent of all of his limitations, is that he can only set foot around safe zones because obviously, if he tries walking on top of a surface that - for example - is bushing with flames or constructed with high voltages of electricity, then he'll certainly be harmed severely or die. Second is that traversing through a looping surface can cause him dizziness. Meaning, that if he somehow becomes dizzy, he'll lose focus, and since it's a vital element that allows Ben to sustain the use of his ability, he'll eventually lose balance and fall. This can also apply to flat surfaces. As long as there are some external forces that can push Ben out of his concentration, then they will definitely stop him from ever sticking his feet. [/hider] [hider=weakness(es)]Water - one formidable component which Ben needs to avoid most of the time, especially when he's making use of his ability. Water can partially mitigate the adhesiveness of Ben's unique atomic properties simply by being soaked over a large amount. As it seems, the ability is nullified but can still, however, function only with a limited use compared to its original value. In addition, while Ben can easily walk anywhere and everywhere, he still needs to convoke his concentration when putting his abilities to use. He must direct his mind upon the surface he's treading, feel that he's roaming by around a street where people normally pass by. This counts as a weakness since at dire times, especially when facing combat, his concentration tends to drift away since he should also put his attention into fighting or defending himself. Thus, why he often obliged himself every now and then to equally consolidate his mind and body whenever using his ability. [/hider][/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] [INDENT][hider=#]Following the accounts of the Riftwalker's publicity were early recorded way back in April 2013 when an organized hostage taking was conducted by a number of masked individuals. Their target was the branch office of an automotive industry, demanding for ten million dollars in negotiation of their employees' freedom. Many could've said that the situation was easily handled but the thing is, there was a bomb planted on the particular floor where the incident was held. In addition, it was inside of a 30-floor skyscraper and the suspects suggested that if any police personnel would dare take foot near one of the building's entrance points, they will detonate the bomb and kill the hostages. Once tensions rose, a footage of a man wearing a dark formal suit, a cape and a white mask took live feeds on security cameras. No one knew where he came from let alone who he was but they were thankful that he arrived. After the masked man left, everything was taken care of. The bomb was diffused and the suspects were knocked off their feet. The hostages were safe and not a single one of them were injured. The masked man left a lasting impression but people were in question of what his true motives were, whether it was for a heroic cause or just to portray his overambitious exploits to the public eye. A month thereafter and sightings about this masked man withered from the media, although some encounters were testified by a few witnesses. Still, authorities decided not to let his existence surface throughout television as they feared that it will result to an unlikely outcome of mass confusion. Originally from Chicago, Ben and his sister Diane moved to New Orleans since Diane was requested by the law firm she worked from to transfer at a different branch, so Ben was dragged along since he was obliged by his parents to protect his sister no matter where she goes. Their new lives were easily settled. Ben immediately found a job as a news reporter since his previous one was highly accredited by the company he applied to. His income moved evenly and despite having a few problems of his own, both him and his sister sustained quite a privileged lifestyle. Ben witnessed how special he was by the time he realized that he was able to walk effortlessly on top their mansion's rooftop without faltering at the slightest bit. At first he assumed it was some of his own tricks he failed to notice, but after several attempts of doing it and observing throughout the process, he therefore concluded that what he could do was beyond normal. However, Ben knew that divulging his uniqueness could potentially put his family in jeopardy and strip his parents off of their reputations. He became aware of how much controversy it could pose, hence why Ben later decided to hide his true capabilities from the people he was close to. He lived his life into hiding, kept his mouth shut as one would normally do once they found out they're some kind of freak with unusual abilities. Ben knew it was the only right solution he could put himself into. Besides, it would only be logical to reason out how worse situations might become should he settle on revealing himself to his parents. The first incident that drove Ben into dealing with crime was when he saved an old man from a gang who kidnapped him and was close to being beaten to death. It happened around when he was driving towards home from a day spent on his job. He didn't reckon the true motive behind the unpleasant acts of such hostile people but even when he knew that he was far from being a hero, Ben was undoubtedly certain that what he did was right despite him being injured in the end. Nevertheless, that wasn't his last attempt. The alley districts of New Orleans, which was located just around the corners of the city, have been known to hold violent activities of crime and drug trafficking. Prostitution was also evident and that alone was enough to tell how dangerous and dark the said district could be. So it occurred to Ben that if he wanted his hands to get involved, he needed to be stronger and more capable in combat. Then on a day when he was seeking for a private trainer, he met a 50-year old man named Steven Wan who was a Malaysian American. He was a master on Silat and carried a decent knowledge on Muay Thai - both were later taught to Ben along with their cultural disciplines. During months spent training with Wan, the man subsequently discovered Ben's true nature as a Hyperhuman. Wan was also the first person who knew what he was. Surprised, he wasn't against Ben and nevertheless, continued the training until he eventually met the end of their agreement three years thereafter. It was a month after departing from each other when Ben uncovered the truths behind the person who trained him. Similar to him, Wan was also a Hyperhuman as checked and investigated from his records. He committed crimes such as money laundering, drug trafficking and more - all which impelled Ben to find the man and bring him to answer all of his questions. It was at 2014 when Ben reunited with Wan just months before the terrorist Yakob Kowalski proclaimed his enmity against Hyperhumans. Wan revealed himself to be working under Kowalski's name, fooling Ben to be embedded with his conviction when he trained him. As he was angered by what he discovered, Ben took the risk on bringing the man down. But he was outnumbered, and as soon as he was dragged and beaten, Wan took mercy on his trainee and left him severely injured at an alleyway, leaving him there for good. Ben recovered after two weeks which forced himself to refrain from committing to any of his secretive operations. Months followed by and he went back to his normal working days. Soon afterwards, leaked information were brought by a few of the company's journalists regarding a convoy of Hyperhumans directing some sort of Exodus, as what was described in incomplete detail. Ben took the opportunity on taking part of a broadcast at Pointe Bordeaux, but his main intentions were to find Wan, wherever he was hiding. [/hider][/INDENT] [B]| MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: |[/B] [INDENT]Ben's current objective is to track down where Steven Wan - his martial arts mentor - is hiding and bring him once and for all down to his knees as a sentence for his crimes and betrayal from his taught disciplines. There aren't many that'd bring a lot of motivation towards Ben's standpoint. He doesn't consider himself as a hero when he deals with crime as he only sees it as the right thing to do - something which most people failed to accomplish despite having their established hold of power and influence. [/INDENT] [B]| REFERENCE POST(S): |[/B] [INDENT][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2486667]1[/url] [/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT][list][*]Owns two dogs named Rose and Shiver. Ben's sister is more of a cat person, so they don't really blend well with each other at times. [*]Despite maintaining a healthy diet, Ben absolutely hates the food he eats. (i.e. veggies but with a few exceptions) He mostly prefers pasta over anything. [*]Drinks like a beast at parties. [*]When he's in the mood, Ben sometimes uses unnecessary puns when broadcasting but that depends on how nonsensical or stupid the news can be. [*]Upon venturing within the darker districts of the city, Ben masquerades as a man wearing a dark formal suit with a cape and a mask that hides the upper half of his face. This took inspiration from a graphic novel he read.[/list][/INDENT]