[center][img]http://i1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii639/Lunaxie/aFoHGUO_zpsieklzb6w.png[/img] [color=#f5e9dc][h3]Yudai Kageyama[/h3]Ame - Suna - Konohagakure border, inside the barrier [sub]Red Sages[/sub][/color][/center][hr] If Yudai knew a battle would erupt a few moments before he sinked in the ground, he'd stay and aid the Lady-Commander in it. But, for now, he was occupied with something else: The Barrier. From underneath the ground, he could feel the magnetic forces above - and he could tell there were a handful of shinobi up there. Yudai was sweating with anxiety, but he tried his best to clear his mind and remain as calm as possible, in order to trace a plan. If he could make the barrier fall, even for a few seconds, it would be enough for that man to enter and likely destroy everyone inside in a matter of seconds. If something went wrong though, Yudai would likely pay the price with his own life: He knew he wasn't capable of handing that many shinobi by himself. But, he had to try, it was his chance to prove himself useful. Calculating roughly where the center of this place would be, Yudai erupted from the group very quickly, his hands already forming four quick handseals. [color=#f5e9dc][i]Doton, Jishin![/i][/color] At the same time, the shinobi leaned down to slam his hands at the ground, creating the whole area around him to begin shaking wildly, the earth shattering and likely causing everyone that stood in the ground to lose their balance - except for the boy, himself. If anyone felt in the ground, they could possibly take damage as the whole ground began shattering, earth was crumbling and sinking, until Yudai was interrupted - or, until the barrier felt.[hr] [center][img]http://i1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii639/Lunaxie/title385809434_zpshhs3nkm9.png[/img][color=ed1c24][h3]Kaori Uchiha[/h3]Ame- Suna - Konohagakure border, leaving the mist [sub]The Hamajõ Confederation[/sub][/color][/center][hr] An Uchiha was not supposed to lose this easily - no. Uchiha are a powerful clan, with one of the most powerful dõjutsu, they're skilled, feared and respected - the Sharingan is a symbol of power and uniqueness, how could Kaori fall so easily for a genjutsu, how could her motor skill fail her that much when she simply needed to clamp her hands together, while this strange Red Sage still stood- he could even sprint in her direction, which he was doing now and Kaori knew that she was going to get killed. His staff, she could see how powerful the chakra around it had became, it was practically the same level of her Hinõken with the maximum intensity, if not stronger. He was spouting out some nonsense, but Kaori could barely hear - after all, a stronger sound was currently predominant in her mind, the ringing bells sound. This cursed Genjutsu! [color=ed1c24]"THIS CURSED GENJUTSU!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"KAI!"[/color] Finally, Kaori mustered the strength (truly, it took her a lot of effort to move her arms, given her motor skills had nearly been taken completely from her) to clamp her hands together and release herself from this damned genjutsu, but alas, it was too late. Not that she had been hit, no, but apparently not one, but two other confederate shinobi had aided her. Her Sharingan could take the senbon flying into sight - then, a spear (naginata), all flew towards the boy and interrupted his attack. Finally, a well known Hyuuga stepped in to help her, this arrogant, but efficient man known as Higoho. The bastard. "Just like the Uchiha bastards to stick their noses in a fight that's not theirs. I was fighting these two Red Sage monkeys, so go play 'destructor of the world' somewhere else, with your fucking curse of hatred.” Honestly, the words weren't dripped in venom. They were drenched with venomous insulting words that Kaori couldn't even understand why; normally, he was known for being arrogant, but Kaori never expected him to be this enormous asshole. Nonetheless, his efforts had saved her life and despite her deep desire to tell him to fuck off right now, all she could do was bow her head slightly and let out a barely audible; [i][color=ed1c24]"Thank you."[/color][/i] Then, she unsheated Hinõken and began stepping back. If this was his fight, she'd leave it to him. Kaori tried to escape the mist, so she could offer her aid somewhere else.