[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GJFjD1b.png[/img] [h2][color=a187be]Tetsuba Zaisette[/color][/h2] [b][color=f7941d]Harvest Festival - The Silver-and-mist-covered clusterfuck[/color][/b] [@GrafRoy Zeppeli] [@Nero] [@Partisan] [@Raijinslayer][/center] [hr] A pinching sensation clutched onto the back of Zay's eardrums as Tanji's senbon began their ringing. He lurched forwards as his ears began to ring, causing his fan to clumsily melt back into the pool beneath him, slowing the mist dispersal to a complete stop before it revealed the Uchiha and her opponent. It was hard to discern exactly where the sound was coming from, but it made it difficult to differentiate between the individuals in the pool he'd created. He still saw the Hyuga boy fighting with the mist ninja, or rather, 3 Hyuga boys battling it out against a full platoon of mist ninja! Augh! The ringing senbon were an utter nuisance! [b]"Hey, name's Tatsuya-"[/b] The sudden comment startled Zay. He hadn't noticed Tatsuya's approach through the thickness of his silver pool. Thankfully, it helped him gain some bearing as the ringing of the senbon came to a pause. The shinobi was quick to figure out that the silver was Zay's doing, which should've been obvious to anyone who'd actually [i]noticed[/i] the dispersal of mist a few seconds earlier. Zay nodded and composed himself, trying to get a feel for the position of everyone who stood in his pool. As Tatsuya further inquired, Zay was hardly paying much attention to what he'd been asked, focused on the Hyuga boy disengaging with his opponent and heading towards the other two shinobi on his left. As Tatsuya finished speaking, Zay shifted his eyes back towards him for a brief second, before pointing in the direction that the Hyuga had darted off in. Truthfully, the only things he'd heard from Tatsuya were 'where,' 'Hyuga,' and something about hazards. He was more concerned with where the Hyuga was headed, and by extension, which of the two shinobi he was going to attack. As Mikoto stepped in to attack, Higoho was finally in range to put a stop to the flamboyant jester's parade of irritable phrases. Thank god. Although it was hard to discern which of the two shinobi was spouting that nonsense from 13 yards away, Zay's patience for corrupt chivalry was wearing very thin. The Hyuga stepped in, and launched his palm forwards towards the chest of the furthermost shinobi. [i]There he was.[/i] And not a moment too late. A moment after confirming his target, Zay shifted his hands up, and turned towards the three shinobi on his left. His chakra shot across the mirror pool in a surge, conjuring two ripples behind both of red sage's legs. Zay clenched his fists, and Two streams of silver zipped towards each of Mikoto's thigh's as the Hyuga attempted to connect with his chakra infused palm strike from the front. All the while, Zay felt Niro's presence leaving the range of his pool, and heading away from the mist entirely. The mist wouldn't stick around for much longer if Niro was leaving, which may have been a wonderful outcome for the confederate ninja nearby. Everyone except for Zay and Higoho, anyways.