[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/T87tGyq.png[/img][/center] [center][color=ed1c24][h3]Mikoto, Red Sages, Currently Trying To Save His Ass[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] For once, Mikoto just HAD to admit he was about to be beaten. For the love of everything that is beautiful, there were, like, 4 ninjas trying to get rid of him. More could be hidden too. [color=ed1c24][b]"My, aren't I the popular one today."[/b][/color] He said with a small smile in his lips. The naginata, senbons, and even the streams of silver were dangerously near now. He could've handled all of them if he had his ever reliable support from Kanata, but alone... even he had to admit he was overpowered. [color=ed1c24][b]"You win..."[/b][/color] He sighed as all of the weapons or similars thrown at him hit their mark. Mikoto then disappeared with a poof, leaving only a log stabbed by the senbon and the naginata, and appeared already several meters away from his opponents. He was still near enough so that they would hear him, though. [color=ed1c24][b]"I concede this time. Victory is yours. My mission was more or less to win time anyway. I did just so and kept you away from the real problem. I hope we will encounter again, Hyuuga, Uchiha girl. Next time, I'll bring a friend of my own and we can have some real fun. Until then, darlings!"[/b][/color] Mikoto mused and then jumped away. If they wanted to come after him that was fine by him. For now, he'd go look for Kanata. [color=ed1c24][i]"Onii-chan worries about you and your flatchest, dear sister. Also, I need to turn the tables on these guys AND get thi ringing out of my ears."[/i][/color], Mikoto thought to himself, before bringing his hands together and, [color=ed1c24][b]"Kai!"[/b][/color] Kanata always had a knack for getting in trouble, so he should probably start by looking where Lady Tametomo was. She could also (not) use his help. Regardless, he should also kill any other generic confederate shinobi that got in his way. No matter how many of them came, Mikoto was confident he could take them all as long as they had forgettable faces. [hr] [@tex][@Nero][@Hatman1801][@KenyeIsMyLife][@Partisan]@Goddamn there's so many of ya [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qh4zVik.png[/img] [color=ec008c][h3]Blunt Front Kanata, Undecided, Some building or other?[/h3][/color][/center] The girl with blue hair was scared out of her mind, or so was the impression she left in Kanata. Understandable, yeah. [color=ec008c][b]"Don't worry, I can hide in the mist and be right back with your friend. You just get the hell outta here before that guy decides he wants to kill our asses."[/b][/color] She heard someone throwing something into the inside of her mist. When she turned to her side, she saw a mask resting by her feet. Had the guy from before thrown it all the way here? Why? Was it useless now? Regardless, Kanata was quick to crouch down and take it, before putting it away on one of the many pockets she had to store kunais. It could come in handy, even more so if it was something from a Red Sage. She could pretend she was one of them without them knowing who she really is. She'd get away from the Red Sages AND keep the confederation off her ass. After that, she was about to cast her Hidding in Mist technique again to go get the girl's friend when someone took a hold of her shoulder. It was a fierce grip and it sent a chill down her spine just as the hand made contact with her discovered shoulder. She turned to the... thing, that appeared beside the two of them It seemed to be a cat and looked... slightly feminine, but it didn't seem human, what with the claws digging into her skin and whatnot. [color=ec008c][b]"Tell me something I don't know, will you? I don't care how much of a pussy I seem, I'm saving my ass no matter what. And I'm planning on getting as much people outta here with me as I can. There's no need for them to die senselessly in here."[/b][/color] Kanata answered it with a knowing and unamused look in her face. And then the thing said something he shouldn't have. [color=ec008c][b]"Small boobs?"[/b][/color] Kanata turned her gaze to the ground. [color=ec008c][b]"I swear to God that if you didn't look and feel so fucking strong and intimidating I'd shove something up your cheeky throat right about now. In any case, if you plan on helping, then be my guest. I can also lift the mist for you, only if you promise to cover our asses as we make our escape from here."[/b][/color] It was offering them, the three of them (she still had to go look for the other girl), a way out of this hellhole. Hell, she'd kiss it if he asked for it to get their asses out. [color=ec008c][b]"And for an speech? Well, who the hell needs one? You should just kill everyone and show them your overwhelming power. That way, I'm sure several will shit their pants."[/b][/color] Kanata knew when a person was more powerful than her. It had saved her ass multiple times before. When Yakoul let go of her shoulder, she knew that he was overwhelmingly more powerful than her. Even the combination of Mikoto and herself wouldn't be enough to stop a thing like this. [color=ec008c][b]"Dispel."[/b][/color] She said after bringing her hands together and slowly making the mist disappear. [color=ec008c][b]"Now, go give 'em hell while we escape."[/b][/color] Kanata nodded and then waited for Yakoul to clean up the building so she could go get Mirai's friend. Of course, she just hopped that Mirai was okay with her just agreeing to accept the cat-thing's help. [hr] [@j8cob] [@Savato]