[center][b]Pyria [/b] [i]Child of the Flame[/i] [b]Location:Actium[/b][/center] "But,but,but you are a magic user. Who has taken me under your w.." Pyria began to say, just as the other man lowered his visage to be in front of her. Frowning a little in response, she pouted slightly. "Okay..." She clenched Luca's clothes while she watched the man get up and leave them be. "Funny elf." Pyria muttered upon the display of manners and behaviour from the stranger. Her eyes looked to Luca. "So, you don't want to be Pyria's master?" The kid eyed at Luca, golden eyes sparkling upon the mentioning of food and lodgings." And yet you provide food and lodging..." Her face scrunched up, as if thinking hard on something, before finally smiling. "I get it! You want to be Pyria's servant! MY OWN SERVANT! And thus I'm free!" She added, looking at the manacle. A small smirk came across her face, as raw magic power pooled in her hand, the manacle reacting to her and clasping open gently. The waif grabbed it, and dusted it a bit off, hefting it. "Take it. As a token of Pyria. It's a very important token for me!" She giggled. "And now, I shall devote myself to my destiny and tear that undead army asunder! For I am a flame dragon!" She raised her voice, before doing a rather weak impression of a roar. "RAWR!" Not two steps after she started her mighty charge, her face was already biting the dust a second time. A loose cobblestone, getting tangled in her legs. Twice foiled by inanimate objects. There was only a logical course of action afterwards. Throw a tantrum. And she did. [hr] [center][b]Tsabal [/b] [i]The Dark Whisperer[/i] [b]Location:Campus Magnus[/b][/center] Tsabal shook her head upon hearing the grandiloquent and solemn speech of the other robed woman. "Tch." If she were to pull her hood out, she would be rolling her eyes. "So, yet another of those solemn fools that jump at vague threats... for gold or for self-appointed duty. And to answer your question, I'm sometimes known as 'Bal the Crone, or the Dark Whisperer... and that is my favorite shade spot." She paused, pondering a few things. "Although... that was damn clever of you. Not many find the spot in the first try, they often try their luck in smelly, rowdy tents." Tsabal spun her words and arts. "I bet you probably don't want to deal with the other folk any more than necessary...so let me give you a token of... peace. Yes, peace." She said, producing a small flask of liquour. "Want a sip?" She added, her hand inviting her to take a drink after she herself took one. [i]Now let's put to test whether you're like me or not. That cloak is highly suspicious. And so is my drink. A proper drow would never take such offer.[/i]