Porygon-Z flinched a bit at David's Power-Up Punch, thankful he didn't use the fighting-type move at full power. Its eyes dulled and it emitted a few beeps again. "Scan complete," it intoned. "Avatar identified." With that, Porygon-Z commenced another techno dance party. Unlike last time, this one went mostly unnoticed... the nightmarish appearance of Germaine occupied the crowd's attention and drowned out the Pokemon's cheerful beeping. Porgyon-Z ended its private party and moved to shake David's hand, only to discover that he was no longer there. Looking around, the pink Pokemon soon found the Regirock avatar chatting with three others. These unusual humans looked like they might be avatars, too. With a level of tact only achievable by a robot, Porygon-Z hovered straight into the middle of the four avatars squaring off. "This check-in is for avatars only," it stated professionally, swiveling its head around to address everyone in the group. "Sirs, if you are indeed avatars, please state your representative Pokemon and prove your power by attacking with a move."