[h1][center]El[/center][/h1] Watching the woman shake shake her head, a small coil of dread twisted in her stomach. A misstep, this is a fine dance this woman is leading her in. "Yes, it is a fine spot. Shades me from the Sun. Offered me peace from the smells and sights of the camp. It can be so hard to...hide from the nature of men. The fools applaud their short sightedness, while [I] we [/I] must suffer their mistakes." Applying extra stress on the word we, trying to imply they were the same, there is no telling what could result from this. But if she survives this meeting, she'll be struck dumb in surprise. A dark bitter chuckle rolled in the woman's chest, but didn't escape. What peace would a drow be offering in the first meeting of a stranger but that of the blade? "Forgive me, Dark Whisperer, but I cannot drink from a stranger's flask. You never know what you might find. However allow me to introduce myself, I am tge Lady of Shame, Ellasapet, it was a...kindness to make your acquaintance." Bowing her head in a quick approximation of manners, El focused her magic on the figure in front of her. She was going to gamble now. Maybe this is a case of "the reward is greater than the risk." Motioning to the other side, El allowed the tips of her fingers to fall out of the robes folds, revealing her dark, distinctive coloring. Then feigned relaxation back into the tree. El hoped more than anything this 'crone' would become bored with this game and move on. "You are welcome to join me." This foolish offer El just made. She spent to long amomgst the elves of this land. Their manners have become so ingrained inside of her. She just hopes this was no mistake.