[center][img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/Anime/Anime%20Guys/Hero_______by_Anima_XIII_zps2cce6277.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Seth Rush Colour: Charcoal Symbol: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/Weapons/download_zpsp9xkxquc.png[/img] [/hider] Race: Human Status: Student Age: 16 Bio: Seth and his older Brother Hunter lost their parents during a Grimm attack. After that, Hunter and Seth lived off the streets and found shelter where ever they could. Hunter found an elderly couple that could take Seth in and left him with them Seth could have a better life then he could provide. Over the years Seth’s new parents treated him like their own child and gave him everything. When Seth turned 12, Hunter came back to pick him up. Over the years Hunter had traveled with a group of musicians and learned how to play the guitar. Hunter explained that he then went off into the world and created his own band called Dust Runners. Hunter thanked the elderly couple for keeping Seth safe and took Seth on the road with his band. Over the years Seth traveled with Hunters band and learned to play the guitar. On his 16th birthday, Hunter gave Seth his very own guitar that changed into a weapon. Hunter played it off as a show guitar that Seth could use to entertain the crowd. Hunter also told Seth he would be able to join his band under one condition: Seth would have to enroll and graduate from Beacon Academy. Seth didn’t understand why Hunter wanted him to join the Academy, but he agreed anyway since he wanted to be part of his brothers band. Gender: Male Weapon: [hider=Nirvana] [img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/Weapons/dead_fantasy_iii__rikku_nevan_by_sketchfighter316_zps9wfv4dzj.jpg[/img] [/hider] Semblance/Special Ability: [b][u]Sound of Madness:[/u][/b] Seth’s Semblance can only be activated with his Weapon. His Sound of Madness creates illusions that can be altered by his playing. However, his Semblance can only be maintained by his playing. should he stop for a second, his semblance will decativate and he'll need to start over. Equipment: Hover board Hacky sack Music Player Guitar pick