She just pulled him along on her way, with a naturalness that spoke of intimacy. Gabriel barely even noticed the couples and drunks and one-night-stand partners he was tearing through, lacking Nadine's more "agile" build, despite some curses and the occasional threatening look (by whoever thought they were getting the better end of the deal and now feared for their prey), once or twice followed by a hoot once they realized some girl was urgently leading him somewhere private - if they were still coherent enough to be capable of such reasoning. But, again, that barely occurred to him. He was preoccupied with how [b]easy[/b] it felt to reconnect with Nadine. They had barely spent ten minutes together after almost an entire year of radio silence - a length of time that, at their age, could mean missing out on the experiences and thought processes that formed a person for the rest of their lives - and yet, here she was, so eager to show him something that it couldn't wait until they were sober, couldn't wait another day, couldn't even wait another five minutes. Before he really knew what was going on, she had slammed the bathroom door shut behind them and locked it to ward off any frisky contenders or people with more base needs. For a second or so, he forgot why they were here and half-expected her to start making out with him, but her words quickly pried his mind away from that crush-infused fantasy and back to the present. [i]"Anything we could use?"[/i] The question blindsided him. He looked at himself in the mirror, his reflection staring back at him with an eery, ethereal look to it, pale and sweaty in the fluorescent light, and despite Nadine's conviction, this entire situation suddenly seemed ridiculous. Dr. Price was a nutjob and an idiot, the laughing stock of the campus, even among his colleagues; not that Gabriel gave any two shits about what the professors published or thought - beyond what was relevant to his studies or exams - but when the stuffy, self-righteous ivory tower inhabitants ridiculed one of their own, that didn't go unnoticed. So, he probably didn't seem entirely serious or convinced when he joked: "Well, gee, if I had known we were going to practice magic today, I would have brought a virgin. We'll never find one in time, at the rate things are going out there." Still, he knew better than to question Nadine when she had that look to her, and even if this was just a joke, the least he could do after all this time was humoring her. Gabriel reached into his pockets and emptied their contents on the counter, which amounted to... [center]A wallet with fifteen dollars and change in it, A driver's license [i](with a slightly more up-to-date picture)[/i], A picture of himself and his younger sister, A jackknife, A cellphone, And keys.[/center]