Awesome! Quick question. ...can I play a new character playing a veteran's account? Limitations being:lower leveled veteran (around lvl 60), newb level fighting/game play (at the beginning of rp) And how do we access the main menu IC, do we just access it or state something like main menu. Yes I realize how stupid this question sounds, I'm not sure how to phrase the question. Are there skill tree screens, status screens, etc. Can there by hidden skills (not a wholly serious question, I don't know how the game system works in this series, so yeah. There's that.) Basically.... Hidden skill: Enchanter Prerequisite(s) skill level of (?) In both magic (or subset thereof) and black smithing. Plus materials for the enchantment (like if you're enchanting a weapon to never go dull, you need a whet stone plus whatever else) The last question was just a funsy question, if there's a yes, will become the major in-game goal of my character. (Basically they're questing to unlock all hidden skills.) [@PKMNB0Y] *Edit* So after looking at your CS to get a baseline, saw your skills. I think I have the wrong idea what skills are. So to clarify are they more general, or specific. Like cooking skill, herb lore, black smith, sword skill, etc. Or Specific weapon type (katana, broadsword, claymore, so on so forth) instead of the general one or two handed sword skill? Also RL skills can they be represented IG? Such as a kid who's been in karate for 9 years in RL, taking those skills IG, and though low level skill in bare handed, practical knowledge being greater allows for a balance between the two. If that makes sense. (Kinda sorta a back story thing I guess.)