[@PKMNB0Y]Thank you for you quick reply! Amd sorry for editing after you posted :/ oopsie! OK, so that all sounds good. You're focusing on a character built world! Awesome :) That allows so much growth within the RP :) I know! Since there's no pre-set skill tree, and skill amount cap if this were truly a game with these rules in real life I'd probably never take on that gargantuan task, and those are the types of personal quests I give myself. 100% completion of a game isn't truly 100% when there are so many smaller things that you never have to do. but I digress. And- specificity makes sense I guess. I'm just used to the boring general way most games set their skills :p that'll take some thinking to do, because you have so many weapons that are wielded differently, especially if you look at Eastern cultures and their martial art specific weapons, or multiple types of sword fighting. (Such as fencing and blah blah bla) So many options. My brain just exploded :p