[center][h1][color=ed1c24]"DECEASED"[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/c/cd/Naaru.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070213080100[/img][/center] [color=00a99d]Name[/color]: Amgarrack [color=00a99d]Gender[/color]: None [color=00a99d]Sphere of Control[/color]: Victory, Success, Luck, and Prosperity [color=00a99d]Personality[/color]: Amgarrack is the avatar of encouragement. Under it's guidance failure is an impossibility and success in whatever it's followers pursue is assured. It has been the lone divine of it's people since the first civilizations, making it also incredibly lonely. However the great reverence it is treated with has inflated it's arrogance and Amgarrack's pride in it's followers' accomplishments with it's lucky blessings has further shaped it. [color=00a99d]Sacred Animal[/color]: Deshyr, a kind of bat-like creature that sings beautiful complex songs with actual meaning, they are not sentient as such but it has been concluded they do have a functioning language. [color=00a99d]Powers[/color]: Confident Inspiration: Amgarrack is capable of wiping out doubt and spawning surety and hope. Luck of Eternity: Chance is always on Amgarrack's side, if it's even slightly possible there is no reason to doubt success. Progressive Secrets: The ins and outs of the successful are easily discovered and put to use. Faith of a Trillion Souls: Worshiped by all of his mortal followers' species the sheer faith in Amgarrack can wielded as a weapon, dealing powerful holy damage to physically smite enemies. [color=00a99d]Planet of Origin[/color]: Kal Repartha [color=00a99d]Weapon(s)[/color]: Gaze of the Excessive: Amgarrack's focus can be a lethal weapon when angered, physical manifestations of it's will are created out of belief. Isana: A powerful blue stone capable of fortifying and amplifying divine powers. [color=00a99d]History[/color]: Unlike Earth gods, the gods of Amgarrack's homeworld were heavily involved in the development of their mortals. They also competed violently against each other until only Amgarrack and Tezpadam remained. Tezpadam was the deity of manipulation, sickness, and evil incarnate. His subjects in the mortal realm pleaded for Amgarrack to slay him so they could be free of his vile ways. Unable to resist loyal believers, inevitably Amgarrack did as they willed and slew the dark god. Not long after a being rose in opposition of him once more, representing the resurfacing flaws of the mortals, but Zeltrax was conquered as well. Though he did not die as Amgarrack believed he had. Under it's guidance the mortals flourished in every aspect of life and reached for the stars together. It was only natural they would take Amgarrack with them. [color=00a99d]Other[/color]: Urtoks are a race of arrogant mammals that share some qualities with Earth reptiles. They have no mouths, instead making noise through the vents around their necks and faces and using a kind of photosynthesis/sunbathing technique for energy. Males have larger vent shafts and as a result female voices are soft and hard to make out for non-Urtoks. The Amgetoll are the Empire's extrastellar branch, responsible for military movements, exploration, and diplomacy outside of the Empire's worlds. [hider=Urtok Species] [center][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/587d/th/pre/f/2014/357/e/8/reptilian_type_race_by_gcrev-d8b05yh.png[/img][/center] [/hider]