[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Nessa%20Li&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=FFB070[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Her home then to Vigilante Village [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] Her mentor, Mako.[hr]Nessa had packed the last item in her suitcase then zipped it up. She made a small checklist in her head, which she marked off by using her fingers. She didn't want to go back to the camp after what had happened last year but her mentor wanted her to face her fears head on since she was becoming a much stronger person. Nessa slung one bag over her shoulder while carrying the other two in her hands then giving her room one final look before kicking the door shut with her foot. She walked with an uninterested demeanor down the stairs as she heard the blaring horn of her mentor. Nessa simply shook her head while opening the door to her home and staring at him. [COLOR=FFB070][B]"I'm coming!"[/B][/COLOR] She shouted then walked to his already opened trunk and placed her bags inside, closing it when she was finished. She scurried back up to her front door, locking it then closing it after giving her home another preview before jumping in the passenger seat, her mentor speaking towards her. [b]"Hope you're ready to go back."[/b] Mako, her mentor, muttered as she smiled then stared out of the window after an eye roll. She listened to her mentor talk on and on about making sure she watches her back at all times, do not trust anybody this year and a whole bunch of other crap that she heard over and over again. Nessa gave him a thumbs up then went back to staring out of the window, enjoying the beautiful scenery as they were closing in to the camp. Her eyes squinted as she looked afar, no one else was here yet. She was literally the first one here. She wanted to ask her mentor did he do this to her on purpose but decided against it since would've been deemed disrespectful, to him anyway. She saw the sign, which read The Vigilante Village Est. 1986. She continued staring at the wooden huts and and cabins in the distance, too. Nessa felt a bit uneasy about the ghostly setting of the camp this year, she knew that something was off. She unlocked her seat belt then got out of the vehicle, closing the door and hearing Mako shut the engine off. [b]"What is it, Nessa?"[/b] She didn't answer him as she walked towards the headmaster's office, her name being called repeatedly by Mako. Nessa reached out and turned the knob, pushing forward and the door opened. She gasped then looked at Mako, who was now standing beside her, practically begging her not to go inside but of course, she went inside anyway. Mako sighed and followed as they saw a note on the desk. [COLOR=FFB070][B]"Look."[/B][/COLOR] Nessa said while picking up the pace in her footsteps then reaching out and grabbing the note, handing it to Mako. [COLOR=FFB070][B]"What does it say, Mako?"[/B][/COLOR] Nessa asked while peering her eyes onto the piece of paper from behind. [i]Dear whoever you may be reading this, I'll be away for a day or two and I ask that you keep the camp in one piece, or at least try to, please. I also ask that you make the campers happy on their first day back and make sure no one kills anyone. Okay? We do not need a repeat of last year, am I right? But anyways, just take care of things until my return. Thanks. xoxo - Headmaster Lewis[/i] Nessa was even more confused now as her ears twitched, hearing more tires roll over the gravel outside. She looked at Mako with a smile then muttered. [color=FFB070][B]"More campers. Come on."[/B][/COLOR] She ran out of the headmaster's office, along with Mako then they got back into the car and drove further into the campsite. Everything was the same as last year, to be honest with the exception of that same ghostly feeling, which was a bit uneasy. Nessa walked into her cabin as Mako dismissed himself from her side and threw her luggage on the ground, sniffing the air then exhaling it out with a slight cough. She picked up her bags then picked the dresser closest to the door and started unpacking her belongings as she couldn't wait to see who her roommate, or roommates were for this year. It was going to be a great year, even the headmaster is sort of missing in action.[/center]