I fucking [b]despise[/b] people who hate on other countries just because they are those countries. Like Russia, Germany, Japan, or more obviously the U.S.A. People who can't get a clue about how EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY EVER has dirty laundry or it's share of bad people make me more angry than most anything else in the world. It's the sheer ignorance of the fact that every nation has had it's bad points. Rome had it's fair share of monsters, The Middle East had it's fair share of monsters, Germany had world war two, Japan has had it's unethical experiments on the chinese and americans, the chinese were quite brutal in their own ways, Britain had it's rampant imperialism, France had Imperialism as well though not as bad as Britain, and so on and so on I won't even bother to list all of America's flaws because well yeah their dirty laundry is apparent almost everywhere. If you want to hate on something hate on a specific person or group inside of the nation NOT the nation itself because the nation itself is a blanket on many innocent individuals whom have done nothing wrong and don't deserve to be threatened with death wishes because you don't like what their government has stood for in the present or past. It's all a load of garbage.