[quote=@Delta44] [@makarov] It was a lush, sunny day in the city of Dou - a city bordering the Elven and human kingdoms, filled with unimaginable beauty and closeness to nature. It's inhabitants were mostly women, that of both human and Elven kind, for there was a sort of negative stigma associated with men if they chose to live here, unless they were either incredibly handsome or gay. Thankfully, whilst Gregory was very much the former of the two, he was merely a passerby, or so it would seem. One could say the city of Dou was that which he was most related to. Things were peaceful, quiet, and not an awful lot was going on. Just your average day in the lovely city center; birds chirped, water sported, and the people were all getting along well... "Hey, did you hear about the news? There's supposed to be a war going on in the Human Kingdom..." "Really? Gosh, that sounds horrible... No doubt orchestrated by [i]men[/i]..." "Well, on the people's side, yes, but on the other hand is the dragon: Ssalivan the Terror, said to be capable of wiping out armies!" "Surely, no dragon could be [i]that[/i] strong. It's just a load of hyped up nonsense, and it has nothing to do with us. I say just let the monkeys and lizards kill one-another." There had been much gossip around town lately of an impending war and significant talk over The Universal Blades - weapons spoken of in ancient texts and folklore that were said to have created the realms of Heaven, Hades, Oblivion and the Earth itself. They had been locked away ages ago, in a time long since past, though now, with the Grand Marshal's orders, everyone across the continent was searching for the weapons. For what purpose, no one was willing to say, though if it had every man, woman and child with combat training searching, well... it must've been important, and there would undoubtedly be a large sum as a reward. Though he may already know that if he attended the meeting held by the Grand Marshal in the Marble Castle. Even with all this talk, the day carries on, and would continue to do so... At least for the next couple of minutes... [/quote] The sound of footsteps all around him, clicking of high heals and the soft smaking of ballet shoes, Gregory could hear every step and every breath, the voices about were picked up by his keen ears as he strolled through the city square. His eyes looked back and forth softly, his light flirty smile playing across his lips and a kind pep in his step. Life was good for the young blonde swordsman, every woman who met his gaze was met with a flirtacious wink which sent most of them away blushing and looking down, others however were more bold and returned his flirtaciousness, weather it be with winks or air kisses. He sword at his hip jingled quietly as he walked, a calm but firm reminder that Gregory was death to the wicked. He continued his stroll only stopping on a small bridge to overlook the stream and take in a small breath of cool air, "[color=00aeef]What a fine evening...[/color]" He suddenly heard rushed footsteps and his senses went into overdrive, He turned and blocked a sword to the neck with blinding speed. "[color=ed1c24]En Garde Dragon Sword![/color]" Gregory grimaced as this other man called out the title that those who had begun challenging him lately had given him, "[color=00aeef]Must we do this here?[/color]" The man looked at him with steele and determination in his eyes, "[color=ed1c24]You slayed my brother, you monster! prepare to die![/color]" The man stabbed inward with a fast thrust towards Gregory's chest, Gregory twisted his body in a full spin like a ballerina and turned right out of the way. The next motion sent sparks flying about and a loud series of clangs filled the air as their swords connected over and over neither of them gaining any ground on the other. The people in the streets had surrounded the two at a safe distance and were simply watching, waiting until the guard showed up to put a stop to it or until one of the men met their bloody end.