[center][color=FF3300][h1]Anastasia[/h1][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Her familys estate to Vigilante Village. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] her grandfather- kinda, her brother.[/center] [hr] Ana Took a deep breath of the dust filled air of her tower room as she rushed through her belongings not packed neatly in her large travelers trunk. Those belongings scattering the floor as she was looking for something.. so by not finding it even though she went through her room. [b]" Just leave without your journal. You can always keep your memories in your head you know."[/b] the familiar voice of her grandfather coming from down the stairs. Packing the last of what she would need and checking it off the hand written travel list she had made the night before. It was her first day at this camp place which she would be spending mostly, hopefully, all of her summer break. Which was just fine with her seeing as the area around the estate she already explored. Ten times. But a new place means new things to see people to meet and an adventure around every corner. Pulling the slightly heavy suitcase to the dumbwaiter she tossed it in. Closing her room door as it started to descend slowly, siting on the railing and sliding down the large stair case. finding her trunk on the floor infront of the dumbwaiter when she got down. [color=FF3300]" How this always manages to do that will never cease to amaze me.."[/color] Ana muttered as she was swopped up into a spinning hug by the youngest of her brothers. He dropped her onto her feet and patted her head. [b]" Im escorting you to this camp sis. Get to see where you'll be hanging about this summer while I'm stuck here playing perfect boy for mum and pa."[/b] He grabbed her suit case and walked out the large doors Ana dashing out infront of him to his fiery red pickup truck calling shotgun even though no one else was going with them. Both of them laughing as her mother and father waved from the porch. Her grandfather peering from his study smiling at the adventurous child. 'Stepping closer to her future everyday. ' She mostly stared out the window of the truck admiring the beauty which is nature as they drove. It was a bit of a long distance, them to the camp. Listening to old classical, jazz, blues and swing music when they found a good station. Her brother was a weird one when it came to music. She wasn't going to complain. She was raised on the stuff too. -- As they arrived at camp her brother ruffled her hair get a whine out of the girl wondering why he wa picking on her al of a sudden. [b]" Getting close now Stasia. This place kinda gives me a ghost town feeling. You sure you wanna go? We could go cross country traveling instead?"[/b] He said it doubtfully but she headed no fear response. [color=FF3300]"Come on Wimp. Every ghost town has a good story. And with every good story, there is an adventure waiting to be had!" [/color] She said happily as they pulled in. It seemed there was another car here earlier so he pulled over helping her unload her trunk from the back. He kept the truck on as they talked the slight sound of violins coming from the trucks cracked open windows. Reassuring him that she could still change forms and fly home if anything happened she sighed again. He wouldn't leave her alone. Five more minutes he was convinced they were at the wrong place. Reminding him of the sign they past on their way in.[i] The Vigilante Village Est. 1986. [/i] Convincing him they where not lost she got him to get in the car and drive off leaving Anastasia sitting on her travel trunk waving him away. [i]Such a brother to be so protective.[/i] Wondering where all the other campers where. She stayed put, unsure that she should venture off into the woods alone. Waisting time now she started staring off at the trees estimating how high each one was and if it was possible to climb them. [i]View must be great from up there.[/i] Drifting off into thought, awaiting anyone who knew where they were going to guide her about.