[center][color=00746b][h1]Rakala Faust[/h1][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Home to Vigilante Village [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] His family and Ana[/center] [hr] Rak was rummaging and tossing things into his suitcase for this summer. He had done this several times before and even though other years his procrastination caused him to forget things, he was sure he wouldn't forget anything this year. He managed to flatten the bag enough to seal the zipper without breaking it. He took the rest of the clothes he would leave and stuffed them back into his dresser. He fortunately did have everything this year, but as he ran through everything he had and needed he still felt the feeling of forgetting something. He subsided the feeling pretty easily as he was able to account for everything in his mental list. He was pretty good at packing with one suitcase, a backpack, and a pillow case that he stuffed all of his bedding into. His uncle Chorazin was driving him to camp as his dad was away on a business trip and his mother chose to stay home. He was eager to leave, but knew he needed to tell his mom that he loved her and give her the proper goodbye she deserved. She had gotten pretty used to it by now, but would never be completely fine with letting him go long periods of time. He said his goodbyes and "I love you"s and headed back to his stuff by the door. As he grabbed his backpack and pillowcase, Chorazin grabbed his suitcase and led the way to his car. They filled the trunk and set off for Vigilante Village. [b]"So how many pairs of clothes do you think are going to be shredded this year?[/b] Chorazin joked. Rak just smiled and replied, [b][color=00746b]"Probably at least a few."[/color][/b] Their trip was pretty quite except for the radio to drown the silence. Rak was caught up in the scenery and his thoughts of camp this summer. Reflecting on memories of camp from the previous years and the camp lake, which was definitely one of his favorite things. Chorazin broke the silence a few times and they engaged in menial conversations, but even he didn't have much to talk about today. They passed by the old sign that in ways seemed historic to Rak. Soon after, they arrived at the actual camp and the cabins. Rak noticed that he was one of the first to arrive for the camp. He knew how it worked and found the cabin that he thought was the best. He quickly grabbed his bags and brought them just inside the cabin. He went back out to see Chorazin off. [b]"Well you know the drill, stay out of trouble and more importantly don't get caught. But yeah have fun. I'll be back in a few months."[/b] [color=00746b][b]"Yeah I will, and I know. I've gotten pretty good at not getting caught, at least I think. I'll cya then."[/b][/color] As Chorazin drove off, Rak returned to the cabin and threw his stuff up onto a bed on the second floor. [color=00746b][i]That's good enough for now, I'll take care of it later.[/i][/color] He returned outside to see who else was here already. He noticed a girl sitting on her trunk a ways off. She looked sort of bored and unsure, so Rak went over to investigate. He didn't recognize her, and unless she was just dropped off and really couldn't carry her trunk, she must be someone new to camp. He decided he would try to make her feel comfortable and help anyway he could. [color=00746b][b]"Hi, I'm Rak. I don't think I've ever met you before. Do you need help with anything?"[/b][/color]