Everything from their camp was miraculously still there after that turmoil, that was good. It was however soaked in mud and water and required extensive cleaning unless they wished to sleep in a sodden tent for a few nights. To that end they removed whatever was wet from their containers and let them rest exposed in the back of the cart, as well as draping the cloth for the tent over the side of the cart itself. Using some water from the river they managed to clean off their vehicle as well, and with that said and done it was just a matter of rounding the horses up to move. Both animals were unharmed despite all that had gone on, and while somewhat on edge when Ethan approached they quickly settled down and allowed themselves to be led off. While the larger of the two was fastened to the cart, Jorvind was allowed to stand by until Ethan and Amuné were prepared to ride again. All said and done it took just under an hour to prepare and round up their belongings, but after that they were back up on the road and ready to move again. "I guess it's pretty obvious we should go to the next town now, see if we can find any information," Ethan thought aloud, giving Jorvind's reins a gentle tug to spur him forward. They had Amuné's parents to look for, Cecil's makers, his own friend and now they were acting as some sort of bodyguard to a Dimuran princess, quite a bit of work lay ahead of them. When he'd gone looking for someone to travel with he hadn't expected to take on a load of work in the process, though now he supposed it was only fair; if he was going to be getting help with his little mission he should help someone else, that was a fair trade off. Smiling down at Amuné for a moment he glanced back to see how Nymira and Cecil were getting on, furrowing his brow in confusion at the Dimuran's red face. Was she hot or something? "Er... Everything alright back there Nymira?" Ethan called, "Need help with anything?" What a disgusting, unsanitary animal. She understood that every living thing had to do that sometime, but why now? Why when [i]she[/i] was riding it? Oh she hoped it missed the cart, there was no way she was cleaning that off of it. Hearing Ethan's voice calling to her she quickly looked up at him and nodded, making a face of disgust as she caught wiff of what was bothering her. "I am fine, our horse however has... Relieved himself... And it smells foul," she commented, her grimace turning to a scowl as Ethan started roaring with laughter, "That is not funny! It is disgusting!" "It's natural, and it's going to happen. No use in getting bent out of shape over it," Ethan chuckled, looking to Jorvind before reaching down and stroking their horse's mane. "If our friend here had to do... That, then it would be fine. Horses do it all the time, you should just be glad we're not in a stable. It's worse when they sit there and keep going in the same spot." Nymira grimaced again at that thought, imagining a proverbial mountain of defecation. Horses were very rare where she was from, and the few they had roamed freely and were never corralled like these two were. Sure, she knew they had to do this business, she wasn't a complete simpleton, but why while she was riding on the blasted thing? On the bright side since they were moving they distanced themselves from the foulness, and soon the smell was gone. "You're fortunate to not have a nose, Cecil, otherwise I shudder to think how disgusting it would be back there..." Ethan was suffering a case of the giggles now because of Nymira, trying to stifle them with his hand until he settled down. Horse poop wasn't even a bad thing really, it made excellent manure and could help you grow your crops. He knew plenty of people in kinsgrove who even saved it for such a purpose, no sense in letting it go to waste. Amuné could probably sympathize, she had come from a small village too hadn't she? It was something he missed since leaving home, the simplicity and down-to-earth outlook that those in the smaller settlements seemed to share. Since arriving in these new towns, even the "small" ones, he noticed a lot of people no longer lived the way he did, finding it strange how drastically different people could be despite being so close. How were those in the big cities going to compare, he wondered?