Okay, I have to ask - have you been playing a lot of Dominions? Because I have been playing a [i]shitload[/i] of Dominions lately, and I can't help but notice a lot of similar themes/locations (Atlantis, Lemuria.) Might just be my imagination. [hider= Emily Gerhman, the Hunter] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oRb49hCpkPw/UKchuIEUgSI/AAAAAAAABcM/J1xnMTNMjfI/s1600/female-archer-crossbow-snow.jpg[/img] Name: Emily Gehrman Age: 22 Gender: Female Personality: Emily is tough, sarcastic, and straightforward - at least when she's working. She has a sweeter, more compassionate side that she generally reserves for people she cares very much about, of whom there are few. To most people, she appears to care about only one thing - her job, which she pursues with ruthless efficiency. Emily is a hunter of monsters, primarily mutants, and there's pretty much no quarry she won't go after, however big or numerous, and she never gives up on a hunt. Overall, she's a fairly quiet, reserved person, her occasional bouts of anger whenever she perceives someone as being incompetent / willfully stupid or unhelpful notwithstanding. History: Emily was born in a small village in the north of Borea - a town so beneath notice it barely had a name, being referred to by residents as 'the village' and by non-residents as 'where?'; though on a few maps it could be identified as being called 'Scahburg'. The soil wasn't great for agriculture, so the people of the village survived on woodscraft - hunting, foraging, fishing, and trading pelts or lumber with the occasional passing merchant. Emily was born the only child of the finest ranger in the village, heir to a legacy of woodsmen that stretched back for generations. Because he had no son to pass his teachings on to, her father taught her instead, and she learned from him how to hunt, track, travel, forage, and many other useful arts. All was quiet, for a time. Then the plague came. The village had survived the Dusk Years largely intact, being by and large beneath the notice of any marching army. That changed, however, when a woodsman returned infected from a fateful encounter with a mutant. Isolated as they were, the folk of the village had little knowledge of how to combat a large outbreak, and as a result the plague spread like wildfire through the small town, mutating the townsfolk and making them savage one another. In barely a week, Scahburg went from a sleeply little village to a blood-stained ghost town haunted by monsters. The last two left alive were Emily and her father, who'd been able to barricade themselves in their home early on and so survive the onslaught - but when Emily's father began to feel the telltale signs of the Scourge, he left their haven and set himself ablaze rather than risk infecting his daughter. Emily was left alone. She was deliberate, and methodical; she took her time. Over the next two weeks, Emily purged every mutant from the husk of her town, every monster that had once been a friend. She tangled them in nets, impaled them on fishing spears, she chopped them up with axes or cast them into firepits or shot them with her father's rifle. When it was done, she lit the entire village ablaze, and to this day only ashes remain. Since then, she has wandered, sticking mainly in Borea where her prey runs thickest. She hunts the remnants of the Scourge, the mutant packs that still rampage in Borea - and she's gotten quite good at it, having refined her tactics and expanded her arsenal. Word has spread of her deeds, more tall tales than actual stories, of the girl with the crossbow and the hair like fire, who marches into the darkness to slay the monsters. Journey: Emily's out to kill every single mutant she can find - she'd probably branch out into other supernatural horrors as well, if any came up. Her final goal is a world without monsters, though privately, she has no idea how she'd fit into such a world. Ideals: Hunters, Independence, Courage, Cleverness, Determination, Humanity's inherent will to punch back against the darkness. Holdings: Emily possesses an enormous arsenal of 'tools' for use in her hunts - various contraptions, potions, snares, traps, and anything else she thinks she might need, ever - miraculously, she manages to keep it all more or less organized and can find just about anything in a minute or two of rummaging. Her two main weapons are her father's large rifle, which she's had a variety of gunsmiths tinker with to improve its reload speed and firing power, as well as the springloaded blades she keeps in her right sleeve and on her left boot-heel; think Hidden Blades from Assassin's Creed, but slightly longer. She also has a horse, several saddlebags to carry everything, and a modest amount of money to her name that she's gained from reward money on particularly troublesome mutants. It's enough that she could live comfortably for a time, but it's no fortune, given how much of her income goes to purchasing the abovementioned hunting supplies. [/hider]