Name: Marcus Delecroix Gender: Male Appearance: N/A Age: 22 IGN: Jethro Roranson Race: Dwarf Avatar: [img][/img] Equipment: Basic Starting gear. Plain leather tunic, plain leather gloves, plain leather pants, and plain leather boots. Two handed iron warhammer, throwing hammer x10, and iron pickaxe. Level: 5 Skills: Weapon Proficiency(Hammers): Specializes in wielding certain weapons(hammers). [Rank D] Mining: Allows the user to search, identify, and escavate minerals and ores. Includes Weapon Proficiency(Pickaxes). [Rank D] Personality: The kind of man with simple tastes, desires, and goals. He is sincere, honest, and respectful to his fellow man. Never one to overstep his boundaries his polite sensitivities make him a real gentleman. Just don't offend him. Then he turns into a real hot head. One might think he's an actual dwarf after seeing one of his tirades. Other than that he is a real laid back kind hearted soul looking to make through his new life. History: In the real world Marcus is a freshly graduated atheletics major out of LSU stuggling to hold down a job as a personal trainer. Even with the countries obesity problem he can't help anyone if they can't afford him. So with his spare time, which is often as of late, he plays MMORPGs. A bit of an old addiction he always wanted to come back to since High School. He played the staples WoW, EverQuest, and GuildWars, but never picked up Untold Eternity. So on one of his friend's, who graduated a Computer Aided Drafting major, suggeston he picked it up when they told him there was a new expansion coming out that was supposed to be really good. Marcus was pleasantly surprised for the few hours he put into it before the expansion patch. He definately looks forward to playing on patch day. Pets?: Boar named Twinkle. Was a gift from his pal that suggested the game. Twinkle can help with Mining and comes in handy in a pinch with mobs. Can eventially be ridden once high enough level. Other: Has a French Cajun accent which sounds weird coming from a dwarf until you get use to it.