[center] [img]http://s18.postimg.org/c7c7yjdeh/Hyuga.png[/img] (Damn Transforming Fuck) [b][h2][color=Orange]Tanji Tsugiharu[/color][/h2] Somewhere about the Village's Alleys and Roadways, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival[/b] [@Lost in my Mind][@Blue Demon] [/center] [hr] Tsugi had spent the good part of the next hour or so helping around the small-folk as much as he can, a task rather daunting for he knew very little of medicine other than the very basics of first aid. Many had burns and small cuts, others sported minor concussions and sprained limbs, but some unlucky few were hanging around death's front-yard, unsure if they should go knock. And to these few unfortunate souls he could do very little but offer a shoulder and a first-aid kit in assistance before actual medical ninjas arrived to pick up on his incompetence. Still he roamed around, his haze clones long been dismissed, seeking others. Honestly, this wasn't in his job description, technically it was as he was just a contract ninja, but for the few months he had been assigned posts gathering intelligence. For the sake of such, he had liberally applied his brand interrogation genjutsu on any Red Sage he was able to incapacitate, but they were small fry. They simply had vague accounts on masked recruiters telling them of a planned assult and distributing Red Arm bands all the while making sure the were ready. All information that were painfully obvious now. Still patrolling the streets and his mind heavy with hypothesis and speculation on the attacks he still failed to notice the minuscule drain on his chakra as he sported around a Hyuga's form. All the while running atop the roofs of buildings he turned to spot some victorious looking Shinobi of the proud confederacy. His eyes brightened a bit knowing other loyal citizens were doing their part to assist the citizenry. He landed beside the 2 and gave a quiet smile and wave. He spoke in succinct, short, soft, but amicable sentences, "Comrades. You do the Confederacy proud. For that you have my respect. The battle is nearly won," he noticed the Tall-Redhead female staring into the Direction of Central Command and continued "In short time the Central Compound will also be secure." He noticed the incapacitated Red Sages on the ground, he glared at the traitors and got to work tying their limbs and body with rope, afterwards mumbling "This will not take long." He was quick about it, this task being a common practice in his work. He awoke the traitors making sure they knew what situation they had themselves in, and placed a firm palm upon their foreheads and began the process of his Interrogation Jutsu. The traitors eyes slowly rolled to the back of their heads as Tsugi's will were enforced on their own, the Jutsu's main purpose was gathering information, but a side benefit of having to breakdown the mental barriers was that if too much force was applied, can leave the victim's mind scarred and battered making them too fearful and weak willed to have anymore traitorous thoughts. They struggled for a short bit, but Tsugi was well enough a master in these arts; they can scream and protest all they want, but traitors need to be broken.