Gurjan sighed, he had hoped on settling in on the Heart of Valour before the planned hyperspace jump. He still hadn't really gotten used to the feeling of... wrongness, that came with it. Still, it was one of the only things that he had trouble with, which was quite a good average. He took a look around the passenger compartment .In all of the commotion that had caused their delay he hadn't had the opportunity to talk to any of his future squadmates. An now that he was standing around them, he couldn't really think of anything to say. James had been asleep the entire trip and was now waking up to an entrire bay full of people and machinery. His vision was somewhat fuzzy, as he stood up rubbing his eyes. He looked around the passenger compartment, inspecting his soon to be squadmates. He walked towards his bags unknowingly stepping on the silent Isorlai's paw. Gurjan was jolted by a sharp pain running through his right paw. With a growl, he jumped upright and towards the source of the pain, a rather careless terran, he loomed over the man, catching himself instinctively snarling. "Damnit man, watch where you stomp your feet around!" James was shaken up by the angry Isorlai. He quickly noticed however that his angry reaction made sense as he noticed he had just stepped on his paw." Oops sorry man let me make it up to you." He walked towards one of his bags, opened it and started looking for something inside. After a few moments he produced two cigars and offered one to the Isorlai. Gurjan made a gesture of polite refusal."Hey, I appreciate the offer but... I don't smoke." didn't htis guy know Isorlai had rather sensitive noses? Nevertheless, he seemed a decent enough sorts, if rather unfettere, after all, he seemed to be casually smuggling cigars in his luggage. "So, do you always have a case of cigars just packed along with your other things or is that just a gift from home?" He asked curiously as he walked out towards the hangar. Surely, the man would be smart enough to stow the things away before their CO catched on. James shrugged and lit his cigar taking a deep breath of it.He put the other cigar back in his bag and walked into the sprawl of people. His cigar still in his mouth. Now as far as he rememberd he was to look for his CO named Erien. Speaking of which, their CO was likely wondering what the holdup had been, He didn't really know the reason himself, he had just assume it had been some clerical error bogging everything down in red tape again. Scanning through the hangar, he spotted one of the other pilots apparantly reporting to an Isorlai of high ranking. As he knew, his CO, named Erien, was also an Isorlai. So he simply followed his squadmate's example and fell in line besides him. He had heard the man formulate a formal greeting before him, so he himself jsut silently awaited a response. James looked around seeing the Isorlai hehad just stept one walk in a direction. And since James did now know where to go he shrugged and simply followed him hoping he would get lucky. And lucky he was indeed as he also spotted Erien. Apparently already aproached by another pilot. So james simply shruged and fell in line with the other two pilots.