Ok, I've written up a CS! Let me know if there's anything I should change to be more in keeping with the setting :D [hider=Katrina Meyer] [url=https://flic.kr/p/9RdszY][img]https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2634/5807793226_9a80841d61_b.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/9RdszY]Tattooed...[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomasleuthard/]Thomas Leuthard[/url], on Flickr [/hider] [u][b]NAME:[/b][/u] Katrina Meyer [u][b]ABSTRACT:[/b][/u] Talented robotics mechanic by day; party animal by night [u][b]DETAIL:[/b][/u] Katrina (Kat for short) has done her fair share of hard work. Growing up as the youngest of four, it was always hard work to get her parents to dedicate any of the limited time they had outside managing the family repair shop to her. It was hard work having to acknowledge that if the shop was going to survive the next generation, she was going to have to step up in place of her lazy siblings and study to be a top-class mechanic. It was hard work jumping through hoop after hoop, test after test, to get her qualifications. And now, after Kat’s mother has taken sick and passed the position of head mechanic at the shop to her in the meantime… It turns out that’s pretty hard work too. As if to make up for the hours of exhausting effort which Kat puts into her work as a mechanic (which, despite her protestations, she genuinely enjoys), Kat also plays hard. She can drink a formidable amount of alcohol, regularly goes days without sleeping (in fact, just don’t ask how much sleep she gets- it’s a little scary) and is rarely seen without trendy tech-specs which keep her constantly hooked up to social media. Now in her mid-twenties, Kat has managed to establish herself a solid reputation as a all-round mechanic (and socialite), but her talent particularly lies in more intricate robotics repair. Since shop is a family business she intends to run one day, Kat has tried to gain as broad an understanding of areas related to her work as possible (e.g. she can adequately program, and since she often works on bionic body parts she even knows a little biology). Kat’s near-obsessive focus on her vocation and going out has been to the detriment of pretty much everything else (her parents are hoping she marries an accountant, as Kat is hopeless with money)- when faced with the unfamiliar, Kat tends to try and solve problems by relating them to mechanics (this can lead to some very odd analogies). [i]Never [/i]ask her to cook. Outgoing and loud, Kat has never found it hard to make friends, but given how she never really has “downtime”- always either working at the shop or on some wild night out- she finds it hard to form deep bonds with other people. Although she thinks they are layabouts, the only people she is close to are her siblings (two older brothers and a sister). Today is a rare day off, as it is her sister’s birthday, and to celebrate their parents have given the Meyer siblings tickets for a tour of the top of the wall. Little does she know that, (incorrectly) anticipating their youngest sister will be so hungover the morning of her day off she would be late, the time to meet they gave Kat was an hour earlier than the actual planned meeting time... [b][u]MAGICAL INVENTORY:[/u][/b] Katrina has tattoos of three sigils, all relating to her work: A sigil of light is tattooed onto the palm of her right hand (Kat is left-handed) which produces enough light up any nooks and crannies in something she is working on. The forefinger on her left hand has a sigil of heat tattooed at the tip- she wears a ring on that finger onto which she can screw two augments which allow her to utilise this heat for her work- either a pointed metal cover for the tip of her finger which heats up enough to act as a soldering iron, or a thermocutter attachment which heats enough to melt through plastic of a medium thickness. Without the augments, the heat produced by the sigil can still cause a nasty, albiet small, burn. Finally, circular sigils of magnification are tattooed along the side of both her thumb and forefinger which form circles when her hands make an “ok” motion- looking through this allows her to zoom in on intricate work.