I am a bit skeptical of a few things I put in there, but if I need to change it, lemme know. [hider=Arriaddik][color=00aeef][u]Name[/u][/color] Arriaddik [color=00aeef][u]Age[/u] [/color] 92 [color=00aeef][u]Species[/u][/color] Wookiee [color=00aeef][u]Planet of Origin[/u] [/color] Kashyyyk [hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/33/c4/1d/33c41df35accec059d6a7e47385bc409.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=00aeef][u]Personality[/u][/color] Arriaddik, like many Wookiees, is calm and mild-mannered. Though, he is famous for his rage, if provoked he becomes quite unstoppable to ease down. He was raised with many principals such as loyalty, not only to family but those outside the family and honor. Young wookiees are taught to carve wood, which makes him rather dexterous. He is highly intelligent, as his career made him navigate through space and he has made his own bowcaster as well. This Wook can be a great friend or a terrible enemy. Although his demeanor is mild, inside he is haunted and agitated due to the death of his family. Trandoshan slavers have been known to have been hired to hunt down fugitives, so he is always looking over his shoulder. [color=00aeef][u]Profession[/u][/color] Veteran of the Clone Wars, Fugitive of The Imperial Occupation of Kashyyyk [color=00aeef][u]History[/u][/color] Born and raised on the Mid-rim planet, Kashyyyk, Arriaddik spent his childhood in the nursery ring learning how to become part of Wookiee society and the wildlife of his home planet. At the age of 12, hrrtayyk was enacted for him, also known as the Rite of Ascension, to unlock his Rrakktorr or inner strength. He had to learn to survive in the Shadowlands, the ground floor of Kashyyyk, teeming with beasts. Arriaddik experienced a near-death situation, a katarn managed to get the jump on him. Almost at the jaws of Death, Arriaddik managed to unlock his Rrakktorr and killed the katarn, as it was his ceremonial duty to do so, granting him his rite of passage. As a full-fledged Adult, Arriaddik married to Jicuk. Together, they raised two sons. Nagarra and Salmapia. The boys rarely saw their father. He was part of the Claatuvac Guild, group of wookiee cartographers and navigators. He helped discover many of the planets in their system. During one of his explorations, his ship was fired upon by Trandoshan slavers. He managed to escape before being captured by usage of an escape pod. A few years later, Arriaddik participated in the Battle of Kashyyyk, repelling the Separatist invasion. He was trying to protect the Tree Vikkilynn, a vault of the Claatuvac Guild’s navigational information, which the Separatist’s sought after during their invasion of Kachirho. Arriaddik witnessed the fall of the Jedi due to Emperor Palpatine’s Order 66. He watched helplessly as clone troopers hunted down the Jedi. After the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire, the said Empire turned the inhabitants of Kashyyyk into slaves. Trandoshans helped orchestra this campaign, in fact they were the ones who endorsed it. Wookiees tried to fight against their oppressors, which ultimately failed. The Empire bombarded the surface of the planet. The Claatuvac Guild decided to hide their data, trying to protect it from the Empire. The Guild Master decided to copy the hyperspace routes onto data chips, which were handed out to several members for safekeeping, among them was Arriaddik. Arriaddik decided that staying on Kashyyyk with the Imperial threat becoming worse, he decided that he would take the data and his family and leave. As he was coming home, the Empire were looking for Jedi that they tracked onto the planet. Once again, the Wookiees fought back. They were going door-to-door eliminating everyone, including his family. a Trandoshan named Deekus tried to defend Arriaddik’s wife, Jicuk and her sons. But he too ultimately failed, for he was fired upon along with the mother and cubs. Arriaddik witnessed this event as he was trying to gather his family to escape. Arriaddik fled with the data, merchants and traders were helping Wookiees escape, so he got onto a merchant’s ship. Time passed between then and now and Arriaddik still doesn’t know if he made the right decision leaving. He knew if he stayed, he would’ve died with his family and the hyperspace route data would’ve fallen into the Empire’s hand. He decided to find the Rebellion, that joining them would help free his people and avenge his family. His people were depending on him. [color=00aeef][u]Useful Skills[/u][/color] Superhuman strength and agility Proficient in the use of a bowcaster Exceptional navigator Skilled in hand-to-hand combat Outstanding technical ingenuity, although Wookiees are considered to be low-tier on the technological scale, they have no trouble understanding modern technology or combining it with theirs. [color=00aeef] [u]Others[/u][/color] Due to vocal limitations, he can’t speak Basic, but understands it. He only speaks shyriiwook as well. As a profound hate for his ancestral enemy, Trandoshans, as well as the Empire.[/hider]