[@MsChimeric] Katrina's pretty damn cool! Love the tech and the use of sigils. Absolutely copy her over to the Characters tab. :) [@XLegs] Thank you!! I can definitely focus on planning for those paths, and make sure to present choices that lead down one path or the other. I have an idea for what Moonfiend actually is, but it's sorta endgame -- and we can only hope we'll get there. xD [@rechonq] Thanks for the confidence! But I just killed a steampunk RP by dropping the PCs down a surprise elevator and into a cave with a sleeping t-rex -- out of the blue, in the middle of a masquerade. You guys need to kick me in the pants of I pull something out of left field for the sake of being crazy, haha! This one might take a bit longer than usual to set up, because you guys have inspired me to actually take it seriously. I've got that map to draw, and a plot to kick into shape, and NPCs to flesh out. Suggestions always welcome!