[b]Name[/b]: Juniper [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Rank[/b]: Beta Female? (If this is alright with everyone else) [b]Skin Description[/b]: [url=http://www.bannedinhollywood.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sarah_mcdaniel_14-630x504.jpg]Up Close View[/url],[url=http://saltybeards.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/IMG_2676-copy.jpg]Full Body[/url] [b]Fur Description[/b]: [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/7b8afecafd074affd1b23405c2ed1f0a/tumblr_mxy7pflVm71rl2az7o1_500.jpg]Up Close View[/url],[url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9mBEI6OefiI/TURQEkhVNEI/AAAAAAAAAIU/B3wCwNCDC0E/s1600/04+Photo+V+Renaud+0158.JPG]Side Body View[/url] [b]In-Depth Description[/b]: Juniper stands at the height of five foot ten in her human form and weights about a hundred thirty-two pounds. Her dark brown in this form might lead one to think that her fur would be the same in color but it is a great mislead as when in her furred form she is a pure white. She has the same eyes no matter what form she is in, one a common brown while the other is blue in color. She often keeps this strange anomaly hidden in her human form by putting in a brown contact in, unless in privacy or in the company of those she trusts. Juniper's daily wear is usually is whatever is the most comfortable in her opinion wither it is a pair of faded jeans, pajamas or a dress. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: She is kind and cares about others very deeply, loyal to those she trusts and has respect for. She is the kind of person that would give you the shirt off her back if it would make them more comfortable but that isn't to say she is a push over. She will sharply snap at any who tries to betray her and will clearly speak up to those she views as in the wrong against others. It is very hard to get her to the point of being in rage but it is ugly when she has to get to that point. At most times she is completely calm, helping where she can and doing as she must. [b]Brief History[/b]: I'm opting out of this part since I will just reveal it slowly as the RP goes on. I had a very long history written and with everything being erased, I am too frustrated to redo it :( [b]Extra[/b]: [list] [*]Loves rainy weather [*]Her favorite color is blue [*]She is not a big fan of sweets unless it is certain fruits [*]Dislikes needles [*]Does not speak of her past often [/list] ((I'll leave this here for critiquing and let me know what I need to change or add.)