“Sorry, Riversong,” Sagekit muttered, looking appropriately chastised and shrinking against the queen’s fur as she pulled the kits in close with her tail. He wanted to do his own exploring, but now was clearly not the time when Ravenfeather was already worried enough about Owlkit. Willowkit seemed to be thinking the same, since she was content to sit next to Riversong, even if she did appear a bit restless. Not far from the BoulderClan camp, Nettlefang listened to the lynx speak. He was relieved beyond measure that Owlkit was safe even after wandering into OakClan territory and that none of those cats had found him first. He thought that the proposition of the lynx was a strange one, even more so the mere presence of the larger feline in the Clan territories, but that was for Boulderstar to decide. He certainly was not about to chase off the visitor after he’d safely brought back a missing kit. Boulderstar seemed like she could manage out here, and the queens were no doubt worrying about Owlkit even now. Better to put an end to that as soon as possible. “I’ll take Owlkit back to Riversong and Ravenfeather,” Nettlefang mewed to Boulderstar beside him, walking forward to examine the kit. Owlkit looked unfazed and maybe even excited by his little adventure, but it would be up to Ravenfeather to lecture him for his behavior. Nettlefang simply picked up the kit in his jaws gently and padded back to camp. It wasn’t long before the warrior deposited Owlkit before Riversong. “This little one walked all the way to the border with OakClan. Thank StarClan he’s safe,” Nettlefang mewed to his mate, looking relaxed now that the cause for alarm had passed. Sagekit and Willowkit perked up as soon as the other kit had appeared, and they set upon him eagerly as he was placed in front of them, chattering quickly as they asked one question after another. Even though Riversong and Ravenfeather had warned them of the dangers of leaving camp, they were both excited and eager to hear about Owlkit’s exploration. “Did you go all the way to the lake?” Willowkit’s eyes were shining as she imagined seeing the entire territory and the expanse of water laid out before her, like the warriors and apprentices often described. She, of course, had not been born in the camp and had seen some parts of BoulderClan’s territory before, but she had never been as far as the lake with her birth mother. “Did you see a fox? Or a badger?” Sagekit chimed in, equally animated. [hr] Quite some distance east of the Clan territories, Leaf and Cinnamon were traveling through the forests together, as they had been for a few days. Leaf still wasn’t sure where their goal was. So far, the areas that they’d passed through were either unlivable or already occupied by aggressive cats. The young loner didn’t think those territories were worth the fight, nor did she imagine the possibility of victory, so they had moved on. The hunting was sparse so far, and Leaf’s strength was beginning to flag due to the constant walking, sometimes running from danger, and not always having enough food in their bellies. There were mountains in the distance, and for now the pair of she-cats were heading in their general direction. Who knows what they would find once they reached that area? “How are you doing?” Leaf gazed at her companion without breaking stride. “Should we stop to rest soon, or hunt?” she questioned, wanting to gauge how Cinnamon was doing. Leaf would force herself to press on no matter the challenges, but she worried about her friend.