Nyx loved hyperspace jumps. They felt tingly and different from regular traveling. A lot of people felt ill or nauseous after the jumps, but Nyx always felt invigorated by them. She was passing through space faster than the speed of light. Light! Light was the fastest thing that Nyx could think of and she was moving faster than it. It felt kinda special to do that, even if to everyone else it was pretty commonplace. Nyx smiled and adjusted her bag on her lap during the flight, even sneaking out a few granola bars to eat during the trip. She wasn't sure, but she thought someone was glaring at her while she ate the bar. However, the trip was soon over and Nyx found herself grabbing her bag and meandering towards the front. She wasn't sure what to expect from being in a fighting squadron, but she'd seen how close those other people from the squadron whose ships she worked on were and hoped it wasn't going to be like she was trying to fit in with a group that had already formed and bonded. Which wasn't possible, but he brain liked to pick out the work possible scenario and run with it. Well, if it didn't work out she still had a job back home -maybe. Nyx walked out onto the platform, but she couldn't see her CO. So she instead opted to try and find the cafeteria, which to her was the next best thing. She could find food then she could figure out where the person in charge was. Besides, now was the perfect time as most people even think about eating right now when they could be unpacking. Nyx could unpack right now, too. But instead she figured that a bag in the mess hall would be the least of anyone's worries. She began to walk towards the back of the hangar, where the doors were when she realized that she didn't know where the mess hall was. She was better off trying to find her CO and asking for directions. She turned back to try and see where the commander was, because if this person had any logic, they'd be near where the pilots were supposed to get off. But then again she'd heard that the higher ranked you were the closer to politicians they were. From what she'd heard about these 'politicians' they have very little sense. However, there was no way they'd put a politician in charge of a fighter squadron. Logic it is. Besides, Nyx noticed a few pilots from the shuttle approach an Isorlai and seem to pay respect to the alien -person?- she'd seen all the League Space aliens before and worked with a few on her homeworld, but the idea of it was still a foreign thing, that everyone had different cultures and ideas. She thought that they all had the same ideas, like when groups formed back home. Nyx didn't understand space diplomacy. She walked up to the group and attempted to mimic the other Terran's posture and gestures. She didn't understand military life fully, and truth be told she avoided high-ranking officials when she worked her last job, so she'd forgotten the procedure with them. [color=00aeef]"Nyx Miles reporting in! Engineering Specialist and new pilot! I'm excited to be here!"[/color] Nyx all but yelled. [color=00aeef]"Where's the food court, ma'am?"[/color]