[quote=@Archimedes]I'm also interested to know about the driving force behind the Grit (maybe a little more background on this?). As far as Grit-NPCs are concerned, I'm not entirely sure where this is going. It seems as though they will be a mix of undead, ghouls and other monster-types...mostly humanoid. Also, any more info on the city's authority figure? [/quote] I'm totally psyched as well! Thanks! :D I'm considering posting up a few more NPCs before we begin, one of which would be the queen. She's only the queen of this one city, which I guess technically makes her a mayor, but don't tell her that. She's benevolent, but a little off. The Grit I imagine to be more of varying degrees of chimaera -- some might be kind of fuzzy-adorable, and others are downright fugly. Their backstory right now is mixed up in popular books and movies in Periphery that depict the Grit as common terrible monsters to be defeated by heroes, or scarily intelligent humanoid-animals hellbent on destroying the world. A common horror movie scene is probably the Grit climbing over the wall and eating babies and raising the dead. Fun times. [quote=@Eodwyn Aether]I haves a question can a sigil create a familiar or is it just elemental magic?[/quote] It CAN, technically -- but that sigil would have to be enormous, extremely complicated, and requiring of a few people touching it at once to work it. Those ambitious spells are generally reserved for the mages who spend their lives studying sigils. That's if you mean creating life. If you mean capturing an animal and binding it to yourself as a familiar, that's more of a job for rune magic and enchanting. A mage could place a piece of his soul into a collar, for example, and the animal that wears the collar could then be bound to him. A lot of mages would rather enchant robots, though -- having an animal familiar does absolutely nothing for the mage, but at least a robot is useful. :) I feel like I'm rambling. Rambleramble....