[quote=@Smertless]As you can see, my character is pretty mundane. I'd like to explore how he, as a regular Joe, will deal with his world as he knows it being shook up. I'm really hoping that you'll use his backstory in a way that I can play off of... Also, I guess another request, when you want to have an NPC show up that our characters should recognize -- for example, my character Emmitt's wife -- could you perhaps post that information in the OOC with a mention to the people who need to know, or maybe send out PMs? EDIT: I'm really looking forward to this! I hope I'll be able to participate and not get swamped... Eh, I should be fine as long as things don't move too fast.[/quote] I would love to use everyone's backstories! Once we've got a groove going, hopefully each steady character will have their time to shine. Character development is totally key. The beginning of the RP is probably going to move quickly as everyone gets in their first posts, but I guarantee it will slow down before long -- you might have to bear with it for a bit, but please do stick it out. :) One story-post a week to 10 days is a maintenance goal, I think, with players posting as much as they want in-between. Whenever I introduce a new NPC, I usually try to also post a CS in the NPCs section that tells what everyone should know about them. If only certain characters would know them, I'll poke you in the OOC. Good call!