The interrogation went rather well, given the certain circumstances. Raymond found out that this stranger was named Pip, and he didn't really give him any more straight forward information. What Ray could decipher though was that he was in fact human under the mask, he didn't have that many original limbs, he spoke French (Addy and Pip threw a couple of insults towards each other, or at least that's what it sounded like), and he could be from Earth. He at least visited it. The small group that was in the brig were actually letting a few laughs escape in such a high tension. All of them were smart asses. Rae soon found the group in the brig, and pulled Ray outside to inform him that Shasoon is alive, and his vitals were slowly starting to return to normal. It was a huge relief to hear, and one more thing he didn't have to worry about. Raymond returned to the brig and decided to keep Pip there until they can turn him in to the Galactic Committee. The crew were doing their best in making on-the-go repairs after their little feud with the mole rats. Ray walked in to the medical bay to see how Shasoon was doing. He was an interesting man. It was as if he and Raymond were having a competition to see who can do the stupidest stunts on missions. So far, the Ju'yavāl was winning. After discussing with Addy, Tango, and Tahillie, they set their coordinates to a small fuel depot in this star system and then have a meeting to see the next step in their plan. Raymond made his way towards his own room. The gash on his forehead was no longer bleeding, but he had a headache. His hand wasn't shaking just yet, and a huge amount of stress had been lifted off his shoulders. As soon as he made it to his door, Tango's voice came through the intercom. "Captain, the Council is on the line. They wish to speak with you." Raymond gently slammed his head against his metal doors (wincing a bit from the pain), and then making a detour to the Ship's Meeting Room. The room had a wooden design to it. A large heavy wooden table sat in the center, with chairs of all shapes and sizes surrounding it. The lights dimmed as Ray pressed a button on a console on top of the table, and holographic images sprang to life. The Committee is run by a Galactic council. Each of the five races have three representatives, with one Grand Chairman, making the council having 31 members. There are many other levels of this council, but this is the main one. Out of the three representatives is the Head Representative, and the five of them (plus the Grand Chairman) were projected in the Monroe. "Captain Chase. From our records we understand your mission was successful." B'Neir the head rep for the Tu'Veeri said, a nod towards him. The Tu'Veeri always seemed to like Raymond, it must have been because of his impressive leadership skills and nobility. "Yes, Head Representative. We had a little trouble afterwards. You didn't really tell us that the Sekvali hold grudges and are relentless." Raymond started to tell the council about what had happened, but was cut short when the Forgei representative kicked in. "You seem to forget that your ship is used to this, Captain. It seems to me all you've done is saved a colony from being attacked yet again when the Sekvali officially start this civil war!" Raymond wasn't too fond of the femal Forgei in front of him. Representative Kail hated Raymond Chase, especially since she didn't like funding the Expedition Force, and the Marauders seemed to prove every reason why they should keep it. She was also the one that made the final decision to toss him into The Rock, the Committee's biggest and baddest prison. "Calm down, Kail! If I understand this story correctly, Captain, Miss Driani would have had to find an antidote to the Sekvali poison?" Hal Mitchell, the human representative asked. Raymond gave a nod. "It was a group effort sir with her and the other scientific minds on board. Miss Driani did an excellent job conducting it all." Raymond said. Finally, the Grand Chairman spoke up. The Tu'Veeri had a thick head of gray hair, and a matching beard, he gave such power and authority that everyone quieted down when he coughed. "This is too much information to talk on an open broadcast, Captain. Take the Monroe to the Spire, where you and your doctor will talk privately with the Council and give a full debriefing, and we have a few new members to join your crew... And good work, Captain. Like your father you always seem to surprise me." Raymond would normally talk crap about his father and whoever mentioned him, but he had respect for Grand Chairman G'Pol. "Thank you sir. We will make a direct path to the Spire." Raymond didn't bother giving a bow of respect as the council did. He didn't feel like kissing anyone's ass. Especially Representative Kail. He stepped out of the meeting room, and walked for his room once more. "Tango change course to the Spire. They're giving us a little vacation for all our good work." ----- The view of the Spire was a very impressive one. It was elegant in design surprisingly. It had a fine, metallic surface, with billions of little lights shining out of it. Its cylindrical, with many branches coming out of it for docking. Inside would be artificial skies with thousands of stores and houses and warehouses and so many other objects it was like its own planet. The center of the Spire was filled out though with a rushing river going through it, with wildlife living right on the shore. It orbited around a massive red Supergiant. The Monroe docked on the upper levels of the Spire, where the richer residents lived, but also it was the direct line to the Council. The crew was free to go on leave and make calls to friends and family, relax at a bar, or do whatever they would like... But Raymond and Doctor Luirae Driani had to talk to the council about what happened. Ray wasn't looking forward to it. Ray knew he would get picked on by the council, they only saw him as a criminal, and a very lucky one at that. Rae eventually patched up Raymond's forehead and did an evaluation on him, including his shaking hand. The main hatch to the Monroe opened as the crew stepped out, Raymond wore his Expedition Force jacket (made from a very comfortable material and had the marauders logo on one arm and the United States flag on the other. With it he wore expedition issued pants and boots as well. His revolver was on his side, and his whip was ready to go on his palm if he needed it. This wouldn't go fast, but he ordered Tango and a couple other trusted crew members to stay with the ship just in case he wasn't back when the rookies arrived. With Raymond as well as Rae was Pip. The council wished to meet with him as well since he blew up the enemy ship.