[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/94/2c/83942c644a6bcc42d616bacda30c2f27.jpg[/img] Nayu: She sighed, thinking about what she had done. Once she reached the classroom and reached her desk, she put her head down so that no one could see her face. [color=662d91]"Well, you lost a friend, good job you fucking screw up."[/color] She could hear her own voice in the back of her head, talking to her as if it was another person. She winced and covered her ear with her hands for about 15 seconds. [color=662d91]"Well, if you ever feel lonely at least you could always just fuck an older guy, you know, like your old man almost did. Those types like you. Or do you want to take it all out on a guy? Thomas sure was nice before he ended up in a hospital."[/color] She could feel tears falling down her face as they dropped onto her lap. She would have cared more about someone noticing but she knew that no one would care either way. [color=662d91]"Awww Nayu... I didn't mean to make you cry... You know that don't you?"[/color] Even if this voice was in her head, she knew she couldn't stop it. They were her, another side of her, locked inside and trying to break her on the outside. Tears were falling rapidly and her short hair was barely enough to cover her shivers. [color=662d91]"Why don't you go ahead and fucking bawl you little bitch, no one would care either way. But you already know that I guess."[/color] She put her hand over her mouth and coughed a little bit, looking at her hand which now had blood all over it. Sighing, she wiped the blood off on her skirt as her lip quivers. She put in her earbuds and began to hum a little song that she listened to a lot.[color=662d91] "...Shut the fuck up!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! LISTEN TO ME YOU BITCH!"[/color] She began to scratch her scars that covered her arm, opening up a scar that had finally begun to heal. She pulled her cardigan down at the sight of her bloody arm. [color=0072bc]"How ugly. Scars like that match someone that looks, thinks, and is a literal piece of shit."[/color] These words hit her hard as well but mostly because they were things that had naturally come to her mind and was not something that the voice told her. The tears kept on falling and she was already shaking non-stop when she felt something touch her desk. She looked up and saw Jiro, returning the money, she watched him walk away for a while with a pained expression. [color=662d91]"The only thing good about you is your money, without that, you're nothing but he probably doesn't want to use something that was touched by something like...You."[/color] The voice in her head sounded disgusted when she said the last work and she flinched at the thought of this and grabbed the 50$. She began to rip it to tiny pieces, leaving trash all over the floor. She abruptly stood up, the chair making a faint screeching noise. She put her head down and quickly walked out of the room and up the stairs, onto the rooftops. She wlked with her head down and went over to the side, slowly sitting down in a corner and exhaling. She recited some of the words that her stepfather used to tell her at night when she was chained up.[b]" Somedays you will ask yourself, why am I even alive? I will always tell you this and you need to remember it: There is no reason, you deserve everything that comes your way to punish you for being here."[/b] Her tears were falling quickly and there was no stop to them. Her face emotion didn't change. She had a blank face, staring at her arm while she cried, hoping that school would end quickly. The rooftop reminded her of times when she was threatened to jump off the top of her house but always grabbed and pulled back before she could. She would begin to cry and he would whisper in her ear[b] "Shhhhh, sweetie, you know that you can't escape a nightmare without completing it first, right?"[/b] She cried harder at the thought of this. [color=662d91]"What a fucking excuse of a human being."[/color] [@joeycbee]