[center][color=fff79a][h2]Cressida Mazahnderani[/h2][/color] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Airport -> Diner -> Camp [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Her cousin, Jerard [/center] [hr] Cressida was uncomfortably shifting on her seat throughout the trip. Flying always made her feel queasy, probably because the idea of being 30000ft above ground is not the most comforting thought for her, she would very much prefer a day of sailing than this. She was silent all throughout the trip, with the occasional chit chat with the passenger next to her. Nice young man, friendly, bubbly, who was obviously making too much of an effort to impress. She reread the email sent to her on her phone, [i]The Vigilante Village Est. 1986. [/i], she muttered, while her thoughts argued with herself for not looking ahead before accepting such a shady invitation. A part of her wanted to see what awaits her in this new adventure and to find safe refuge for her kind, but now floating midair, she wasn't sure if she made the correct choice. The flight almost took forever until they reached the airport, Cressida restrained herself from falling to her knees and kissing the floor once she set foot. Pushing her baggage behind her while scanning the airport, she let out a snicker when a familiar face caught her from afar. A scruffy man, a couple of years older than she is, holding out a giant cardbord over his head that says "You're so vain you probably think this sign is about you" Walking towards him, she was greeted by tight hug. [color=fff79a]"Still as cynical as ever, Jerard? And a Carly Simon fan, even after all these years."[/color] " You know me too well, prima." he greeted her cousin with another hug, before they leave the airport. Jerard was one of the few people who knew about their species. After all, his mother was one, and so are his sisters. Unlike Cressida, he was never big on the family tradition, with his reason being a male born in a matriarchal lineage, that leaves so little to no slice of pie in the family business, and for an aspiring young man like Jerard, Cress knew he deserves so much better. Eventually he found a life in America, and like Cress, he found it through music. The car ride was a good time to catch up, both grew up together in a seaside village in Mayaguez, Jerard leaving only a year before she did. "So, you're big in San Juan now. Heard a lot about your success, [i]tia[/i] must be so proud." [color=fff79a]"I doubt that. I never had any contact with [i]mama[/i] since i left Mayaguez." [/color] "Well, she still probably heard about you, seeing as you're a celebrity and all." [color=fff79a]"I'm hardly a celebrity. Remember I work underground?" [/color] "Eh, why, even. I mean, obviously youre a magnificent musician. A lot of mainstream agencies here in America would love to have you." She rolled her eyes at the thought of it, her cousin noticed in his amusement. "Or you could always go indie. That's a thing." They pit stopped at a diner on their way to Tennessee for some grub, while Jerard brag on about his comfy life in the US. "It is your first time here Ms. Lady of Jazz? We could go cross country, stop by a few states. Maybe San Fransisco. But I have a feeling you will love Seattle. You could always live with me, I have a nice little place there." [color=fff79a]"I'm not on vacation, nor am I planning on migrating. I think of this as a calling, or a temporary get away from the pressure back home right now."[/color] "Our kind in not welcomed in Puerto Rico, you know that. And you know it is dangerous for a Siren to stray from her sisters. Without a circle to protect you, you'll be an easy target." Cressida sure as hell won't go back to her mother for protection. She'd take the Vigilate Village anytime than spending another minute with her. But she looked down at her coffee to realize the truth in her cousins words. It wasnt the first time someone threatened to expose her, hell way worse things had happened. She was mugged twice, sent death threats, without her abilities she didnt know if she could even survive, but then all of this wouldnt happen without it in the first place. The struggle is real. [color=fff79a]"I have a home there. Work, friends. There's no way I'm leaving them behind. Besides, I'll probably go back when the pressure dies down. And maybe if I find greater purpose for my abilities here, I'd probably consider it."[/color] She smiles taking a sip from her warm drink. "Well then, if you do, just let me know. I probably got a spare matress to lend at my bachelor pad." he jokes. As they head on the road, Cressida finds herself scanning through her emails again, stopping at the message sent to her the other day. "Are you sure about this?" Jerrard was peeking at her phone. [color=fff79a]"No. But I'm already here so." [/color] "Never in my mind have I doubted you to back out on a challenge. Totally saved me my 50 bucks." [color=fff79a]"At this point, I guess there's no backing out now." [/color] "Hey," Jerard planted a gentle hand on Cressida's shoulder." If you need anything, just ring me up, ok?" She gave him her most gentle smile. [color=fff79a]"Of course." [/color] Jerard peeked behind her, through the passenger window. "And, look, your jolly fellow campers are here. Wouldnt want to ruin your earlybird record, Crissy." Cressida cringed at the childhood nickname, she never was a fan of it. Looking out the passenger window, only did she realize that this was her first time in a summer camp, probably because it was never a thing from where she grew up, but nevertheless, it made her feel like a nervous wallflower on her first day of school. "Feel like backing out at the last minute?" Jerrard teased her. Cress returned an assertive stare, to prove him otherwise and went out the car door. Jerrard followed, taking out the baggage from the trunk, but was stopped by Cress when he intended to follow her to the camp, offering to hand the baggage to her. [color=fff79a]"I can handle it."[/color] "You sure? This suitcase weighs like a ton you know. What you got in here?" [color=fff79a]"My womanly charms."[/color] She says sarcastically. [color=fff79a]"Look, I'll call you if I need anything." [/color] Cressida gave her cousin one last hug before leaving,waving just before entering the driver seat, and he was off. She took deep breaths as she confidently walks toward the camp site, her crimson scarf dangled with the breeze. Internally she was shivering, because of the the cool breeze, out of excitement or anxiety, she wasnt exactly sure. Is this all of them, was the first thing on her mind upon seeing the other campers. The two of which, made themselves comfortable with each other while the other peculiar one, was busily doing paper cranes and hanging them on the tree. Cress leaned by the sign post, a couple of feet away from the rest, and watched them. She reached a pack of cancer sticks on her pocket and lit one with a match. She was rather entertained by the view of it, the origami filled tree, the whole time she just stared at it.