[color=D6CC88]Wyth had wandered off to catch himself a snack. Amuné was happy to ride in front of Ethan as the group got underway again. The girl turned her head to look at Ethan when he started guffawing at Nymira. She didn't really understand why Nymira didn't know horses had to go poo too. After all, all creatures did, didn't they? Sure, horses had rather /big/ droppings, and she supposed if the woman wasn't familiar with them that might be surprising. It was nothing to be so shocked by, though. But Ethan's laughter made Amuné giggle a bit. The child returned to her thoughts, and a while later she suddenly spoke up. "Ethan? I think...I think I want to learn how to use my Sight better," she told him, looking at where her hands clutched fistfuls of Jorvind's mane. "I usually tried to keep from having visions back home, so people wouldn't find out. But now...I think I need to learn more than just how to keep from having them. I sorta think I might have an idea how to trigger a vision deliberately, but...Well the time I tried it didn't really work. But Daddy told me that he had to study a lot to learn to use his gift, and he wasn't good at all at first." Amuné paused. "He's blessed by Saint Kedo, like you. He taught me a little. So did Mommy -- she's blessed by Saint Edos, like me, but I was never able to heal people. I just see things." The girl hesitated again. She wasn't sure how Ethan would respond to what she said next, and she didn't want to upset him. "Um...A lot of times when I get a vision, it's either something immediately dangerous...or something I touch. Like back in the inn, when you showed me the picture of Nymira? That's how I knew which building she was in. Or right when we met Cecil, when we ran from the men chasing him you picked me up and...I could tell you were a Magi, even before you used magic. So...I was wondering...um...maybe I could try with you?" Ethan replied in the affirmative, and Amuné smiled over her shoulder at him, relieved. "Make sure I don't fall off Jorvind while I try, okay?" the girl said, before moving her hands from the horse's mane to hold onto the man's arm where it circled her waist. She took a deep breath and concentrated, trying to remember how it felt right before she had a vision, and how she'd managed to channel her magic back when they were attacked on the bridge. And when she felt something stir inside her in response to her efforts, she focused on that. An image swam into view behind her closed eyes. Most of it was blurry, but she could clearly see Ethan in it. There was someone else too, and they seemed to be fighting. "No, watch out!" Amuné tried to warn her friend but the other man swept his legs out from under him -- then reached an arm out to help Ethan back up. The scene vanished abruptly, leaving the girl disoriented and more than a little confused. It took a few moments for her to get her bearings. She felt tired, like she'd worked really hard helping with chores, but at the same time Amuné was elated. "I think it worked. I think I did it, Ethan!" She told him what she'd seen. It was one image, and it felt different from when she saw things that might be, so the child was pretty sure it was something from the past, and she mentioned that as well. "But I'm not sure exactly what it was."[/color]