[center][h1][color=a36209]Vincent Gulfus[/color] &[color=0072bc] Hayato[/color][/h1][/center] Vincent disliked the Tsukiko girl, mostly due to her ignorant nature and the fact she hated him on sight without any prior knowledge of him, and she didn't show any likeable quality. Vincent noted down his disdain as she left before turning to deal with Hayato. He nodded in acceptance of the Young Hayatos reasoning for a duel. Mentally noting in his mind about the gift that Hayate had left him, It was probably a paper craft of some-kind knowing her and what she was doing last night. Never the less Vincent wanted another duel his blood-lusting Ire raising ever so slowly, It was temporary the satisfaction he had received from his duel with Leander, such temperance could only sate his hunger for battle for only so long. Vincent glanced over the entrance and noticed Hayate asleep in a guys arms. Did he feel jealous not really, instead he just felt a little suspicious of the guys motives for holding a sleeping Hayate. Not really to matter though he was going to go to the entrance anyway. It wasn't like he was going to duel in the observation stands, hes not that stupid. [color=a36209]"Hey Hayato I accept your challenge for a duel but first lets go out of the arena your come too Leander,, and you also might wanna check your sister at the entrance"[/color] Vincent said as he began to get up walking towards the entrance slowly giving Hayato time to walk beside him and catch up. [color=0072bc]"Hey wait up a for a sec,"[/color] Hayato said putting away his mothers invention again not paying any attention to Leander and Tsukiko as his sister seemed more important [color=0072bc]"What do you mean?"[/color] Hayato said running to the entrance noticing Shinrei holding a sleeping Hayate and sighed but noticed another girl who was about to walk away, but he knew better to just leave him alone to his own accords "So? its just my sister who fell asleep she does that when she overloads herself with paper-craft" Hayato readied his disk "Were here for a duel not some mystery solving,Ready your blade and come at me" Vincent whom had waiting for just a second before continuing his travels to the entrance had finally seen whom was also nearby, he could see Ethel facing away from him, Noting down the eagerness of the guy he was going to duel he settled with not speaking to Hayate or the guy holding her. He just kept silent as he walked past the group outside. only stopping for a few seconds to mouth something only Ethel would hear [color=a36209][i]"If your gonna duel, win win and win again, now excuse me as I go fight and probably annihilate this guy"[/i][/color] Vincent exited the arena as he walked a few dozen paces to the left front so he was diagonally away from the door as he waited for Hayato to come out and take his position. Vincent readied his duel disk under the Sun, the heat causing his iris to twinkle with a sombre red colour. Hayato sighed and walked over to Vincent to start the duel and took out a coin, and asked Vincent if he wanted heads or tails. Knowing that his blood-lust would soon be sated Vincent choose heads to for the idea that heads would roll if he lost. Vincent had a nice smile on his face giving away none of his interior thoughts as he waited for the coin to fall. Hayato flipped the coin and caught it without an issue revealing a literal tail as it was a coin designed by his mother [color=0072bc]"It was Tails... i go first then"[/color] Hayato proclaimed [center][h2][color=a36209]The Chaos Ambassador[/color] VS [color=0072bc]Desert Samurai Warlord[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Turn 1: Hayato[/b] Vincent: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato drew his 5 cards and set a monster in Face-Down defence position thinking it'd help him in the long run [color=0072bc]"I set a monster in face down defense position and end my turn"[/color] [b]Turn 2: Vincent[/b] Vincent: 4000 LP, 6 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Vincent had already drawn his first 5 cards before he drew his next due to go second his eyes looking over his cards, he couldn't do anything stupidly fancy like last time but he could try and set up for the late game. [color=a36209]"Firstly I will set 2 cards face down, before I activate Veil of Darkness."[/color] Once more the dark aura surrounded his deck basking it in darkness.[color=a36209] "Next I shall summon Lightray Grepha! Come forth fair steward of light"[/color] Vincent said as a muscle man burly lumbered out of thin air to his side of the field and readied its sword. [color=a36209]"And now his effect by discarding one LIGHT monster I can banish one LIGHT monster from my deck"[/color] Grepha absorbed a ball of light that eminated from a card in Vincent hand as he banished his monster of choosing, it was Mystical elf and his discarded monster was D.D Scout plane. [b]Lightray Grepha - Level 4, ATK 1700[/b] [color=a36209]"Now Grepha Attack that face-down monster"[/color] Vincent cried as Grepha charged at the face down card The monster was revealed to be The immortal bushi but called that he would return but for now he would feel the pain of Grepha running him through with a sword. Which caused the monster to fragment into sparks [b]Immortal Bishi - Level 3, DEF 600[/b] Disappointed that the card would soon return. Vincent ended his turn. His mouth slowly curling downwards in annoyance. [color=a36209]"I end my turn"[/color] He said quickly with a face full of sad disappointment. [b]Turn 3: Hayato[/b] Vincent: 4000 LP, 1 cards, 1 Mon, 3 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 0 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato sighed [color=0072bc]"Return to me Bushi!"[/color] He called out special summoning it in defense position just in case the previously destroyed monster returned back into the field in the same postion he was before facing the monster in front of him [color=0072bc]"I will summon The six samurai Zanji in face-up attack position"[/color] [color=a36209]"Sorry friend but I drew the card i used last time in a vain effect to slay a dragon"[/color] Vincent smirked with a look of malice flashing across his happy face for what was a simple barely noticable second. [color=a36209]"Bottomless Trap hole!"[/color] He cried as the Ogre reached up from its bottomless pit with increased Malice Hayato sighed [color=0072bc]"well thats too bad then turn end."[/color] Hayato said ending his turn [b]Turn 4: Vincent[/b] Vincent: 4000 LP, 2 cards, 1 Mon, 2 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 1 Mon, 0 S/T Vincent drew his next card looking at it he decided to activate veils effect [color=a36209]"I activate Veils effect to reveal the DARK monster I just drew to draw another card."[/color] Vincent said as he revealed a Angel with black wings and a harp, the sister of Lux and the evil one of the pair. [color=a36209]"Go to the grave Chaos Emissary, Umbra"[/color] Vincent said as he he placed the card in the grave and drew another card. [color=a36209]"I set 1 monster face-down and I end my turn"[/color] Vincent said as the back of a card appeared on his field hiding the set monster. He couldn't really be bothered to attack if the Bishi would just return next turn and protect Hayato from the damage he would inflict. [b]Turn 5: Hayato[/b] Vincent: 4000 LP, 2 cards, 2 Mon, 2 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 5 cards, 1 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato drew his card [i]'hmm... this could come in handy'[/i] Hayato thought to himself and set a face-down card, [color=0072bc]"I set this card face-down and summon legendary six samurai Kizan to the field"[/color] after setting the cards on the disk a black armoured samurai came to his side wielding his Katana and started to think to himself... until deciding to attack Grepha [color=0072bc]"i got enough ammunition... i can keep going"[/color] he said to himself and attacked the face-up monster [b]Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan - Level 4, ATK 1800[/b] [color=a36209]"Before you kill Grepha I just want to Activate Mystical space typhoon to destroy your face down"[/color] Vincent said as Grepha burst into sparks. then a Cyclone proceeded destroy Hayato's Face down card. Vincent 4000 LP -> 3900 LP [color=0072bc]"You fell for my bait..."[/color] Hayato proclaimed as Shien's scheme was destroyed "[color=0072bc]i knew you'd have that card... so i set a card to trigger your MST... but i don't care what gets destroyed i got better cards in arsenal so... now i simply end my turn"[/color] [b]Turn 6: Vincent[/b] Vincent: 3900 LP, 2 cards, 1 Mon, 1 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 3 cards, 2 Mon, 0 S/T [color=a36209]"I Draw"[/color] Vincent said as he drew his next card, It wasn't Chaos Sorcerer but it was something and he wasn't going to bother with Veils effect as it was a worthwhile card to draw. [color=a36209]"I FLIP summon Chaos Emissary Umbra, Its effect causes me to discard one card. Sorry Effect Veiler"[/color] Vincent said as he discarded the angel to the graveyard. [color=a36209]"Next I banish D.D Scout Plane to fulfil the contract of Black dragon Collarserpent"[/color] Vincent said with a grin that was starting to show some blood lust. [color=a36209]"Due to its Effect D.D Scout Plane is special summoned"[/color] Vincent yelled as D.D Scout plane appeared on his side of the field in face up Attack position [b]D.D Scout Plane - Level 2, ATK 800[/b] [b]Black Dragon Collarserpent - Level 4, ATK 1800[/b] [b]Chaos Emissary Umbra - Level 4 ATK 600[/b] [color=a36209]"Now Its Battle Time,I attack your Legendary Six Samurai Kizan with my Chaos Emissary Umbra, Which because she has less ATK she is destroyed and I take the damage. But her Effect allows me to add 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from my deck to my hand. The Card I choose Is 'Chaos Emissary, Emperor Dragon!'[/color]" Chaos Emissary Umbra Charged into Kizan and was promptly Executed but her soul dragged out a card that seemed to pulsate with power from Vincent deck and placed it in his hand before she went to the grave. Vincent 3900 --> 2700 [color=a36209]"Now Collarserpent Attack Kizan!, Black Dragons Eradicators Stream!"[/color] Vincent said as his dragon attacked the Six Samurai monster they both had equal attack so the battle would destroy them both. The dragon attacked with its whitish black plasma breath but was cut in half by Kizan's sword before it could finish the job, both monsters shattered into sparks. [color=0072bc]"Seppuku tactics?"[/color] Hayato questioned [color=a36209]"No Calling new allies from the void!"[/color] Vincent said with a look of battle hunger on his face as his agression continued. [color=a36209]"Effect of Collarserpent allows me to add 1 White Dragon Wyverbuster from my deck to my hand"[/color] Vincent continued as he added the effected monster to his hand. [color=a36209]"Now My battling is done I banish 1 Black Dragon Collarserpent from my grave to fulfil the contract of White dragon Wyverbuster"[/color] Vincent smirked as the white dragon descend to his side of the field in ATK position. rearing its head ready to ATK next turn. [color=a36209]"I end my turn"[/color] Vincent finished with a grin. Next turn all hell would break lose. [b]White Dragon Wyverbuster - Level 4, ATK 1700[/b] [b]Turn 7: Hayato[/b] Vincent: 2700 LP, 1 cards, 2 Mon, 1 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 4 cards, 1 Mon, 0 S/T Hayato chuckled [color=0072bc]"Alright then... Draw..."[/color] and checked his hand twice not realizing he skipped over a important card [color=0072bc]"I activate Supply squad. and after that i activate Shien's smoke signal"[/color] A puff of Purple smoke rose up behind Hayato signaling for support [color=0072bc]"and I choose Legendary six samurai Kageki"[/color] Hayato stopped and thought for a moment [color=0072bc]"do i thow him out now? or do I wait..."[/color] Hayato sighed knowing what he'll do [color=0072bc]"I set a card in defence position"[/color] Hayato simply set another card in defence position keeping Kageki for later [color=0072bc]"I end my turn"[/color] [b]Turn 8: Vincent [/b] Vincent: 2700 LP, 2 cards, 2 Mon, 1 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 2 cards, 2 Mon, 1 S/T Vincent drew his next card it wasn't a DARK type monster In fact it wasn't a monster at all. [color=a36209]"Firstly I will set one card face-down, and now we get to the fun part my friend"[/color] Vincent said as he left a card into the air. [color=a36209]"by banishing 2 light and 2 dark monsters from my grave I can fulfil the contract of the monster I added to my hand last turn"[/color] Vincent said as he began his summoning chant the bloodlust looking extremely notable on his face. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JROzVOhtiOY][color=a36209]"Emperor of Chaos, hear my plea for your presence on this battlefield, with body of darkness and blood of light, descend to this lower plane. I fulfilled the contract. Descend destroyer of boundaries, Kill thy enemies and prove to the mortals why you are to be feared. From the Void between realitys where even the gods do not pass! I summon the true being of Chaos, Chaos Emissary, Emperor Dragon! "[/color][/url] Vincent yelled as a sound of a far off thunderstorm could be heard heralding the arrival of something powerful, as the wing-beat grew louder, foreshadowing what was coming downwards onto the battlefield. The Dragon planted its claws firmly on the ground before it proceeded to release a roar so inhuman that could cause witnesses to fear it. It was a powerful looking beast, signifying all that the Chaos Emissarys stood for in one creature. Chaos Emissary Emperor Dragon - Level 10 - ATK 3000 due to 5 banished monsters Hayato started to brace himself as he witnessed the monster appear [color=a36209]"Sadly due to its effect It cannot claim your head this turn"[/color] Vincent said under his breath with a annoyed sigh [color=a36209]"D.D Scout plane Attack that face up Immortal Bishi, Gatling shooter!"[/color] Vincent said as the small plane fired a hail of bullets Destroying the immortal one once again. [color=a36209]"Next Chaos Emperor Dragon Annihilate his Face down card, Void Bombard!"[/color] Vincent said as the Emperor Breathed mutiple bombs of Pure black light that exploded around Hayatos set card. which was revealed to be the six samurai Yaichi [color=0072bc]"Goodbye Yaichi... You wont be forgotten friend" [/color]Hayato said slightly annoyed by the fact he had no other choice but to be careful Vincent watched Hayato draw his card from the supply squad. No biggy it wasn't like he suddenly going to draw all 5 pieces of Exodia next turn and proceed to obliterate his dragon. [color=a36209]"White Dragon Wyverbuster, Attack his Life points directly Purifer's Burst Stream!"[/color] Vincent said with a look of blood-lust as his white dragon reared its head back and unleashed its stream of blackish white plasma. Hayato 4000 LP - 2300 LP [color=a36209]"I end my Turn"[/color] Vincent said finishing with a look of assurance that the other guy literally have to get lucky to win. Unless Hayato drew a card that special summoned itself, Vincent pretty much had it. A token appeared on Vincent side of the field, a pulsating mess of energy. [b]A Token which nobody really cares about - Level `1, ATK 0[/b] [b]Turn 9: Hayato[/b] Vincent: 2700 LP, 0 cards, 4 Mon, 2 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 2 cards, 1 Mon, 1 S/T all right... [color=0072bc]"Draw..."[/color] he said special summong bushi once again [color=0072bc]"i set a card facedown and activate Six Samurai United"[/color] Hayato looked at his hand and sighed hoping on this move to work [color=0072bc]"i summon Legendary Six samurai Kageki"[/color] Hayato said [color=0072bc]"When he is normal summoned i can summon a level 4 or lower six samurai"[/color] [b]Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki - Level 4, ATK 200[/b] [color=a36209]"I activate the card effect of Skill Breakthrough!"[/color] Vincent said as his trap card flipped face-up revealing a monster smashing through a orange object. [color=a36209]"This card allows me to negate the effect of one face up effect of one monster you control until the end of this turn."[/color] Vincent said as Kagekis effect was locked down. [color=a36209]"Carry on"[/color] Vincent said, done with his counter. Hayato Sighed at this moment and decided [color=0072bc]"Six samurai united activates i draw one card"[/color] Hayato growled at the card he drew "this card again.?" Hayato thought and sighed and simply said to Vincent [color=0072bc]"You win... i surrender"[/color] Hayato paused [color=0072bc]"you may still attack me as i now end my turn, show me your true power..."[/color] Hayato stated as he really didn't care how he lost by the accepted surrender or the blast of a monster [b]Turn 10: Vincent [/b] Vincent: 2700 LP, 1 cards, 3 Mon, 1 S/T Hayato: 4000 LP, 2 cards, 2 Mon, 1 S/T [color=a36209]"Alright this is the final turn, I draw"[/color] Vincent said obviously pleased that he was allowed to use the dragon to end it, as he drew his card from his deck as he instantly went straight into the battle phase. [color=a36209]"Chaos Emissary, Emperor Dragon, Show this warlord why you lead the Emissary and why you are feared, REQUIEM OF THE VOID!"[/color] Vincent yelled as the Emperor unfurled its great wings, and begun inhaling. Dark lightning crashing all around it as it charged up a breath attack. You could almost notice the souls of the banished cards appearing and entering the breath attack to support their Ruler. for a few seconds the dragon stood charging before it quite suddenly expelled a constant stream of darkness and light in a double helix directly into the air with such force that that you could see it inside the arena for a few seconds. The beautiful stream then exploded in an almost blinding flash as blasts of volatile light and darkness cascaded onto Hayatos Kageki, in a unending torrent that would seem like a overkill to anybody watching the duel. [color=a36209]"That Is the true power of the Emissarys"[/color] Vincent said as his monster finished its attack. Hayato 2700 --> 0 When Hayatos Life-points hit 0 the battlefield began to fade, the Emperor dragon was the last to go probably due to its mass. [b]Winner: Vincent - The Chaos Ambassador[/b] [center][h3]After the Duel[/h3][/center] Hayato sighed after watching the finish and shook his head throwing the idea of him losing due to him being a bad duelist away [color=0072bc]"that was a good duel but this made my mood even worse..."[/color] He said to Vincent and was tempted to just walk away but instead offered something else [color=0072bc]"how about we go buy some packs...?"[/color] Vincent was pretty damn pleased he finally got to see his other ace monster for the first time, never the less though he was getting his regular persona back for a few moments before responding to Hayatos offer. [color=a36209]"I don't really want to get packs, I wanna hang around here for a few minutes to catch my thoughts "[/color] Vincent said declining Hayatos offer. [color=a36209]"I was going to get packs in a few minutes Just wait a sec"[/color] Vincent said as he walked out to desert a bit more to stretch after standing still. Maybe he would see Ethel, someone whom he actually could look up to. Even though they lost their entry exam Ethel still got into light which was amazing. So that was someone he could actually respect after he had gotten crushed during his entry duel. [color=0072bc]"In that case i'll go in advance then[/color] Hayato said making his way to the academy again, simply leaving Vincent to do what he wants and checked his D-Ciever remembering he needs to ask Hayate the code to add her but sadly... Shinrei had already left after the duel.