[@Eodwyn Aether] [color=coral]"Heck yeah I'm going to join you,"[/color] she said aloud for Liam to hear as she stomped over to him. Instead of sitting down she stood there, and slammed his paperwork on the table. [color=coral]"You need a tutor, and lucky for you my Peanut-sized brain decided that I'll help you because I can't simply be in a class where an utter dumbass exists."[/color] She cleared her throat. [color=coral]"It's bad for my reputation."[/color] After that small speech she had sat down in the seat across from him. [color=coral]"Give me some of your food."[/color] Manami then demanded from the boy right in front of her. She rarely ate/took lunch due to the fact that she needed to keep her calorie intake at a low to keep her outer appearance at its best; In case her father gave her an unexpected business meeting which happened more often than usual. Sadly, this guys meal looked to be pretty bad when compared to her diet, but one day of breaking the routine wouldn't hurt.