Logan blinked a little when Clary said ew, before realizing what it was about. Sometimes Clary was just so easy to vent to, it was different to tell when he was over sharing with her. Still he couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Sorry, I over shared again, beautiful. Sometimes I forget who I'm talking to. I'll try not to bring girls over, but I'll put something on the knob if I do." He said smiling as he shook his head. Logan frowned at Clary's answer about Billie once Harlow and the Arch Mage was gone. Although he always appreciated that she didn't lie to him, part of him wished she would sometimes like this. Even a not good, would be better than a I'm not sure. "I told Jackie to leave it alone, stupid bitch." He sighed shaking his head, before looking at Clary and forcing a smile, changing the subject to his moving. Once they were back in the dorm Clary gave him both the keys to the door and Billie came over with Cole. When Billie came over and sat with him, he gave her a soft smile, relaxing a little bit. If she hadn't leaned back on his bed when Clary answered Logan would have put his arm around her and pulled her close. Still as when she talked about the others being up her ass, he sighed putting his hand on her leg trying to comfort her. If Clary and Cole hadn't been there he would have tried to comfort her a little more, but he knew Clary would make a big deal of it. When Billie left the dorm Logan frowned looking at the door, his better mood going with her it seemed. He wanted to go after her. Normally he didn't give a shit when he saw people crying, but Billie was different. It only made things worse that he couldn't go after her even if Cole didn't say to let her cool down, because it would only make matters worse. Logan looked up at Clary when she said his name and nodded not answering, his whole demeanor changing that quickly. He was pissed, at Devin, at Jackie, at the Adrian guy that started this up, and pissed at the fact he had to sneak around to be with one of his best friends. Still when Logan felt Clary rub his arm, he gave a fake smile watching her go to her desk and get the scrunchie, a real smile on his face at what she whispered has he took it, before nodding to Cole. Once the girls left Logan sighed laying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling for a moment before rubbing a hand down his face. He looked at the clock frowning before grabbing the keys and heading out, he knew class was about to start for the others. Still he was stressed out and needed to relax, as well as someone that he knew he could take it out on. Stopping at her dorm he took a deep breath he frowned closing his eyes and shaking his head as he knocked on the door. -- Heather pulled her skirt down as she stood from putting on her heels back on, it was the bad thing about a skirt that was a little shorter than the other girls. But she hated how long the school wanted them to be, so she always made a point to cut them to be a little above the knee. With a sigh she ran a brush through her still wet hair, from taking a shower after lunch. This sucked royally, that she had to take History this year because she can't keep from taking it again this year. The fact that she had Delia's class had been a little of a worry to her, but Sophia, one of the other Sirens said there had been a last minute change in teachers. Some guy by the name DuPage, and he was a Skinwalker. With any luck at all he would be easy and she would be able to get by with sleeping with him, as none of her boys were in the class with her. The knock on her door brought her back from her thoughts, and she glanced at the clock in her room frowning. "It's open, unless its Tom. She said not even bothering to stop what she was doing as she heard the door open. "Problems with your new toy, beautiful?" Logan's voice came from the door, making her laugh. "Yeah, he's stupid as fuck and horrible in bed." Heather said turning to look at him. She knew him well enough to tell he was stressed out from the look on his face and she noticed his eyes slowly looking her up. "What can I do for you, love?" She asked crossing her legs, showing off her legs a bit more. Logan noticed what she was doing and glanced up from her legs smirking. "What makes you think I want something Heather?" Heather clicked her tongue. "Other than the fact you look like you wish you still killed people. And that I know you broke up with bitchpire? Guessed." Logan gave a dark laugh, shaking his head. "You know me too well. I don't figure you would mind missing a class or two would you?" He asked. Heather smirked getting up and locking her door. "I thought you said that wasn't going to happen again." She said and she turned he pushed her roughly against the door. His hand rubbing up her leg. "I lied." He whispered in her ear, before bitting into her neck. -- Jordyn had sat back closing her eyes and relaxing a little after Cole and Clary left, the shifter nurse came in and looked at her side, conforming that she had two broken ribs. Which meant she would like Jo to stay even longer. But even with Blaze with her the whole waiting to be released thing was boring. Even Blaze laying on her bed was likely bored out of her mind. Jordyn sighed pulling her bag up to the bed and started to put her notes and books back into it when the nurse came back. "I'm feeling better, I'm going back to my dorm when it's more comfortable, Hannah." She said looking over at the nurse, who crossed her arms giving Jordyn a disapproving look. "I would rather you stay here and rest where I can keep an eye on you, Jo." The nurse said shaking her head. "No, even though I'm going to have to miss class by now. I want to check on my boyfriend, and I have [i]things[/i] to do." Jordyn said frowning, she wanted to check on Alex. She wanted to figure what dorm Devin was in, so she could start to get even. But as she started to sit up she winced and the nurse sighed. "Jordyn, you are not better, and you're not going anywhere." Hannah said and as Jo started to respond she added in. "Need I remind you that I'm friends with your mother?" Jordyn frowned giving the nurse a dirty look and her eyes showed a slight sparkle. "Need I remind you that by your terms, I'm older than you." Jordyn said watching her move the pull up table out of the way. Sighing Jo grabbed the bottle of healing acceleration potion that the Lucifer guy had given her and drank it down quickly. It didn't quite heal her right away, but she no longer felt dizzy and a little of the pain eased up. Once the nurse was gone Jo looked down at Blaze, reaching down and petting her ears. "Come on, Blaze. Let's get out of here." She said softly before getting out of the bed slowly. Okay, so it still hurt when moving. She held the door for Blaze. The nurses were in the other rooms though with some demons, and she was able to just walk right out, quietly closing the door behind her. Jo looked at Alex when he spoke and smiled nodding happily moving forward and hugging him back though she moved his arm down a little so it won't be on her ribs. "I'm feeling a little bit better, my side is still hurting but I'm not staying in there anymore. I'll die of boredom." She answered smiling as he kissed her temple and she let out a soft sigh just really happy to see him. "Are you alright?" Though she frowned looking up at him when he apologized. "You didn't scare me, or well...I mean I was more afraid you were in pain then scared of you. If anything I actually thought you looked kind of really pretty." She said blushing as she said he was pretty, it didn't really sound that weird to her, but she wasn't sure if it was one of the fae things other races found weird. Jo reached into her bag pulling his glasses out. She stood on her tiptoes kissing his lips and making the kiss last for a moment or two, before putting his glasses back on his face and smiling. "There, I got a longer kiss and you got your glasses sounds like a fair trade to me." She laughed softly. "Now can we please get out of here before nurse Hannah realizes I'm gone and drags me back into the infirmary." She added pulling away from him and taking his hand. But when she saw how slowly an shakily he moved she stopped and gave him a really worried look. "Alex, you really need to get more rest." She said softly her tone worried and she pulled his arm on her shoulders so she could help him walk.