Once the guards voice issued a halt Gregory knew the game was at and end. He simply twisted away and seperated from the man, they were still surrounded but now the two of them were at each end, no longer locked in battle. Gregory bowed and sheathed his sword, "[color=00aeef]A word of advice to you my friend...[/color]" Suddenly he vanished before everyone's eyes and reappeared outside of the guards circle like a flash of lightning, "[color=00aeef]in the future don't bite off more than you can chew...how could you expect to beat me when I wasn't even trying and you couldn't gain an inch of ground on me.[/color]" He began walking away, "[color=00aeef]Had I used even a touch of my true power you would be a dead man...Enjoy the evening...thank the gods you get to see the rest of it...[/color]" and with that Gregory walked away, the people surrounding would tell the guards who started the fight and the man would be arrested so Gregory had no worries once again.