[@Simple Unicycle] "Of course." The voice replies, as a compartment below where it was "speaking" from opens, revealing five keys - four of which have the same design, the last one being different from the rest. "As soon as you climb the stairs, you'll be right outside your rooms. Thank you for choosing to stay at the Enchanted Forest Inn." "Uh, boss...? Who's the person goin' alone?" Riz asks, genuinely curious. He receives a light [i]bonk[/i] on the head from his brother. "It's for Sheil, numb-nuts." Tiz replies with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head. "Seriously, how did you not know that?" "Why? I don't get why she has to sleep in another room..." For whatever reason, Riz doesn't seem to think the whole thing as shameful, though of course it could just be an act. "May we please go to our rooms...? I'm tired and need to shower..." Groans Sheil, rubbing her eyes out of tiredness. Whoever knew of such a needy mercenary? [@makarov] As he begins to walk away, however, he may or may not be caught off guard by a sudden explosion. Deafening from it's noise alone, a bright light had suddenly encompassed the opposite end of town, as the skies turned to a red and orange hue. A foreboding dread fills the area, and the sounds of screams and fighting can be heard in the distance. Though of course, this sounds like a very one-sided fight, with the people of Dou on the losing end... [@BytheSpleen] Surrounded and locked in, many of them growl and attempt to claw at the walls, trying to climb up them, some of which managing to do so surprisingly well, though it'd take them awhile before they could reach the top. Iosef easily had the time of day to intervene if he so chose. Some, however, don't seem all that willing to try and climb up and out of their container, standing towards the center and growling up at him atop of the pillar. One such Gnoll shouts: "I believe the problem is fairly obvious, no?!"