[@Heat] Like so? Let me know if it is OK! [hider=Krenn Prong] [b]Name:[/b]Krenn Prong [b]Race:[/b]Besalisk [b]Age:[/b]32 [b]Occupation:[/b] Smuggler [b]Appearance:[/b] Of a regular build for a Besalisk. Krenn has the trademark scaley, darkbrown forehead, but instead of the normal beige skin underneath it, he grows a bushy stubble flowing over into a beard and the 'normal' walrus moustache. Though his size and eyebrows can be found intimidating or grumpy looking, he usually wears a friendly expression, smiling away or talking and laughing with a bouldering voice. A voice that has somewhat of an edge through years of cigar smoking. Unlike stereotypes demand his girth is no sign of physical neglection. The perceived 'Fatness' is mostly due to the species very cold home planet of Ojom, where a good insulating layer can mean the difference between life and death. [b]Apperel:[/b] Krenn Prong seems grown into a 4-holed wife-beater shirt that used to be white. It is set with a number of pockets over the front out of which rags, cigars and an array of other stuff might protrude. Under it he has a similarly pocketed blue set of working pants. Over it all he wears a long, brown leather trenchcoat for the covert storage of a few more items in its numerous inner pockets. Oddly enough the trenchcoat only has 2 sleeves through which Krenn has his upper arms. Rendering the bottom arms either 'hidden' (though it gives him a bit of an odd shape), or the coat being pulled back behind the lower arms. The coat sleeves are neigh always rolled up to bare his forearms. On his belt he has a set of heavy blasters, one for each hip. Under his coat, at the backside of his belt he has two stun batons, nigh always hidden, but retrievable fast. [b]Weapons:[/b] -A set (2) of heavy blaster pistols with filed away trigger guard to accomodate his large fingers. -A second set (2) of holdout blasters that he conceals in his coat -Two stun batons. [b]Equipment:[/b] -A datapad -A comm-link -Cigars, of the thick variant. -A gazillion packages of matches in various states of fullness (or emptyness if you are a pessimist). -A pocket knife. -Chance Cubes -A canteen of whatever strong liquor was at hand in the last port. [b]Skills:[/b] -A reasonable shot, though quantity has always been a bigger advantage than quality for Krenn. -Extra arms! -Amiable to various degrees, mostly dependent on alcahol intake. -Considerable knowledge of mechanics. -Good pilot. -Enjoys a brawl. [b]Flaws:[/b] -Though he plays with the edges of criminal life as a smuggler Krenn is not a bad ass. He lacks the calculating pragmatism for it, and that might break him up in 3030. -Preffers a drink or three. -Enjoys a brawl. -Can carry grudges. -Is often oferconfident and fearless, in a bad way. -Poor gambler. [b]Personality:[/b]Like most Besalisks Krenn Prong is prone to trust his fellow sentients. He is often friendly, outgoing and looking for new experiences. He can be considered rude for he has a tendency to cut conversations that bore him short. That combined with the Besalisk attention span is a bad mix, but prolonged exposure to other cultures have thought him other ways of keeping busy: fidgetting, huming, drumming fingers or simply resorting to deep phylosophical contemplations in the own mind. He thrives in 'tense' situations, though he would more likely label them as exciting. This also is one of his bigger flaws, as he has a tendency to choose for the more dangerous options. That being said, he is not one that brags about his exploits, and can be considered quite modest. On the other hand he is also loose lipped when asked the right questions or when rubbed the right way. He quickly forms friendships and that is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Krenn will usually expect the best in peoples, rendering him to be hard to insult or irritate subtly. Doing so overtly however will result in quite the ire, for he has little patience for acts of pure malice. [b]Goals[/b]: Currently delivering the spice and making it out alive, though on a grander scale he has a will to see the galaxy untill that bores him. [b]Backstory:[/b] Growing up on the icy planet of Ojom, Krenn had a cold, but happy childhood. Born to Pom Prong and Karalam Prong-Sojol and raised in one of the more densely populated conclaves (one with heating!). His parents weren't wealthy but were able to provide. His father worked in a mineral mine and his mother worked at spaceport reception, Krenn always liked going with his parents to work, especially all the races and cultures at his mothers work intrigued him. He was groomed to become a technician like his uncle Dalaam on one of the space many space stations orbiting the planet (the only way outsiders could be anything near comfortable 'on' the planet, due to the cold). It was a job in which some good money could be made and his parents had always saved up for his education. So Krenn did his best, he genuinly enjoyed engineering and though not a prodigy, he was getting good grades. And so, after his teens he went to work with the same employer as Dalaam. He was a content employee for the while repairing spaceships, cargo droids and other freighting infrastructure systems. He started to get independent, his own home, his own money and soon the first trip to one of the nearby systems followed. It was a time marked by the pleasures of working life, pazaak games with friends, bar brawls, hunting trips in the ice wastes of Ojom and the like. It all couldn't help that Krenn soon got bored of the repetitiveness of the job (A Besalisk racial trait). Though he had visited some places of the galaxy on hollidays or working trips, at age 24 Krenn decided to go work on one of the freighters that frequented his station. Hauling cargo for a peaceful and law abiding company that delivered the materials for heating devices. Working an alround job as a technician/engineer and also pulling his weight on the unloading of the ship was some variation. But it only kept his interest for a good 3 years. Thus it was that at age 27 Krenn said his farewells to the crew and sought a more ‘exotic’ freighting job. Making use of the infrastructure he got knowledge of as a lawfull freighter crewmember, and his numerous bar visits in those spaceports. He found a less than peaceful and law abiding captain, called Halon Darun (a Dug) who made a few extra credits by adding a few goods to his cargo here and there. Krenn had heard his crew of "the Baron" boasting a few times over drinks in several of the spaceports they all frequented and when one of the boasts included a crew death he figured he might fill the spot. Captain Darun was sceptical at first, seeing as the rest of his crew were on the rough side, but he gave Krenn the benefit of the doubt, seeing that he was in need of a good engineer. Krenn got to see the more and more of the galaxy under this captain but this did not go without a few… ‘situations’ here and there. Ranging from bar brawls, buyer shoutouts and spaceworm escapes Krenn was getting a taste of the life he was looking for, and living to tell the tale aswell! due to it Krenn Turned out to be an increasingly better shot and a capable brawler. Above all, he liked both, and so he nourished the skills over the years. This time it was not Krenn who wanted a new job but the sudden end to his employers live that prompted Krenn into action. A deal on Kalee went sour. A weapon shipment, usually something they wouldnt take, but the payout promised to be quite handsome. What they didn't know was that the Kaleesh intended to pay in slaves. Captain Darun would not have it and negotiations turned into a brutal shootout in the cargo bay. The first casualty was Darun, a second and third were made under the crew of the Baron. Krenn and the remaining 3 crewmembers managed to retreat towards the ship under the cover of the ships cannons. They had to fly off with a half-unloaded cargo, half a crew and no captain. The captain was the adhesive and so bickering and blame became a wedge driving the remaining crew apart. The whole deal still bitters him, but a fresh start was made. With the credits saved up Krenn bought a freighter of his own to roam the galaxy with shipping mostly legal cargoes, with a bit extra on the side. One such occasion now brings him to Coruscant, carrying a big load of legal foodwares, and a bit of spice on the side. [/hider]