[i][b][Accessing Republic Data Logs...] [Accessing Character Manifest...] [Accessing 286th Assault Legion...] [Accessing CT-4578 Trooper Smiles...][/b][/i] [h2][i][b][color=aba000]CT-4578 "Trooper Smiles"[/color][/b][/i][/h2] [color=aba000][b]Bio[/b][/color]: A Kaminoan clone of the late Jango Fett, CT-4578, often referred to as Smiles, was a trooper serving in the Grand Army of the Republic. Commissioned several months after the Battle of Geonosis, he was assigned to the 286th Assault Legion's standard division under the command of Clone Captain CC-7011 "Rigger". For months he served under Rigger, until a day he was chosen personally by Clone Commander CC-7501 "Bronze" to join his elite unit, Hailfire Squad. He had gained enough respect, prestige, and notice to be chosen for this small unit, which had recently lost one of it's members in combat. There he received his 286th Gold Colored, Hailfire Squad Deco Armor. After the Ambush on Solus Niner, he and the rest of the 286th Legion were sent back to Kamino for health inspection, then promptly returned to the front lines. A few months later, the 286th were brought to Coruscant under orders from Jedi General Kelen Rolin. They were paired up with CC-1010 Commander "Fox" and his Coruscant Guard troops as they secured the Senate Building. While on perimeter patrol with CL-1692 Lieutenant "Rewind" and his squad around the landing pads, they were swiftly attacked by Palpatine, who was now on the run being revealed as Darth Sidious. He killed several troopers, injuring Smiles before escaping in one of the ships. After the ensuing invasion of the CIS on Coruscant, Smiles and the rest of Hailfire Squad and the 286th loaded their transports and returned to the war that would rage for years to come. A few years afterward, Smiles and the other members of the 286th would be stranded on Solus Four after a droid blockade drove republic forces from orbit. After holding out until reinforcements arrived, the 286th returned to Coruscant on orders from High Jedi Generals Yoda and Windu. Afterwards, they would head a task force to hunt down the key separatist leaders once and for all. [u][b][-TIMELINE INCOMPLETE-] [/b][/u] [color=aba000][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Smiles got his nickname from the fact that he was almost always smiling. The Kaminoans said it wasn't a defect, it was just one of the many personalities that the clones would take on. He's happy to do just about anything short of treason, and will crack jokes to lighten the mood. [color=aba000][b]Gear[/b][/color]: After joining Hailfire Squad, he customized his armor a good deal. He equipped a bandoleer around his upper torso, and added a holster to his lower left leg for a DC-17 Pistol. Equipped with explosives such as thermal detonators, he also carries a PLX-1 Mobile Missile Launcher. He prefers the DC-15a Rifle over the DC-15s Carbine.