[CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/un4snyj.jpg[/IMG] “I never did try to find a fight. The fight always found me.”[/center] [B]| NAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Marcus Nate Weston[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT] Mark, West. [i]Quantum[/i] [/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.: |[/B] [INDENT]19 / 1 / 1990[/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]26[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT] Male.[/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B] [INDENT]Heterosexual[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT]Marcus stands at 189 CM, and weighs 70 kilograms. His build is muscular, showing off his years of rigorous training. His hair is short and brown, he has a rugged look about him, the fact that he is in rough shape is no secret as anyone can see his bloodshot eyes, his stubble and the bags under his eyes. Marcus dresses in second hand clothing, ripped stonewashed jeans, boots or sneakers. Wearing long-sleeved shirts over a T-shirt and under his jackets. He's not against donning baseball caps or trucker hats, but he dislikes wearing beanies and the like. His skin is fair, but tanned from hours in the sun. His eyes are sunken in from sleepless nights and countless bottles of booze, making the hazel color look dim. [/INDENT] [B]| GENUS: |[/B] [INDENT]HyperHuman.[/INDENT] [B]| CLASSIFICATION: |[/B] [INDENT]Mars[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES/SKILLS: |[/B] [INDENT] [u]GYROKINESIS[/u] Marcus is able to generate, manipulate and alter gravitational energy, effectively having control over gravity. Green energy manifests from his eyes and his hands when using his power, sending out aurora colored rays from his body when he uses his abilities. The uses of his powers are many, but he uses them in few different ways. [u]GRAVITY MANIPULATION[/u] His abilities allows him to change the affects of gravity in one area, or around one person, allowing him to get a advantage in a fight, as most are not ready to at a split second start fighting at the same gravity as the moon. [u]SINGULARITY CREATION[/u] Marcus creates a gravitational pull, a singularity that draws things towards it. This has been used to generate a shield against gunfire, but even been used to turn a entire building into rubble in a few moments. The material that gets sucked into the 'sphere' of gravity can be reversed, spitting it all back out with varying degrees of force. [u]POLAR SHIFTING: [/u] Mark is able to completely shift the polarity of the gravity applying to it, for instance forcing his opponents to fall to the roof and get pinned against it. This power is only used in small areas, like a room or a hallway. As doing it in bigger areas would not only cause absolute chaos but lead to deadly consequences for Mark himself. [u]MISC.USES[/u] Marcus is able to remove, or lessen the effects of gravity upon himself, allowing him to perform impossible feats, such as walking on ceilings and walls. He is able to constantly affect the gravity of something, or someone, allowing himself flight, however, his power is not one of precision, and there for he prefers to use a proxy when he desires to fly. Creating a disc shaped platform for him to stand on is his preferred method. While it is a novelty ability, Marcus is certain he's capable of bending bullets, allowing him to shoot around objects. [u]SKILLS[/u] Marcus is for all intents and purposes a law enforcement agent as he's spent almost a decade being trained into a agent of H.I.T. He's been trained in many ways, survival, hand to hand combat, marksmanship, detective work, interrogation and Hyperhuman combat all being among the things he's well versed in. Besides that, he's a excellent driver, preferring modern muscle cars over all else. He's a passable mechanic and surprisingly very good at playing the violin. [u]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES[/u] One could argue that his biggest weakness is his humanity. He has the powers of a force of nature, but if he doesn't catch the bullet as it comes for him – he's as dead as any other Joe. His personal issues conflicts with the use of his powers, they're bound to his concentraion. Marcus suffers from severe PTSD due to his time in H.I.T and coupes with it by abusing alcohol, leaving him at less than full mental and physical prowess. His powers are within themselves without any real weaknesses, only ways Marcus can not control them. He cannot open full on black holes – as he doesn't know how to close them. He is weak against airborne attacks, as most of the applications of his powers are based on forcing an opponent to a surface, or away from one. Likewise, he will not increase the gravity on the wall of a building by a thousand – as that would make the entire building collapse on itself. Marcus can easily affect gravity by ten, either by multiplying the force, or dividing it. He's been known to affect gravity with much greater force than that. Relying on how concentrated he is and how well he is focusing. [/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] [INDENT] No one from a happy home wants to join the army. Marcus's home put the “fun” in dysfunctional. His parents were both abusive, to each other and to Marcus and his two sisters, Cecilia and Karin. Karin being older, and Cecila being two years younger than Marcus. Their parents verbally abused them and hit them around, Karin moved away as soon as she could, leaving Marcus to care for Cecilia. When he was 16, Marcus got in a fight with his dad, and following the fight he ran away from home, never to return. He went to join the army, the only choice that made sense. While he scored highly in all of the tests, he was denied entry, on the grounds of government interference, and soon after his attempt, his hyperhuman abilities began manifesting. It started out with him crushing a can of soda with a thought. Making it implode with the blink of an eye. He soon found himself in Canada, attending the PRCU, the academy for the freaks of the world. Marcus proved to be a excellent candidate for the Hyperhuman Education and Advanced Training Program, and after two years at the academy, he was taken into the program, to be trained to work for H.E.A.T, become a agent of the Hyperhuman Intervention Taskforce. During training, Marcus proved to be one of the brightest young trainees, scoring in the top in every test and displaying excellent skill. This was the first thing in his life he had been truly good at. And damn, he was good. During the attacks of Yakob Kowalski, whom reveled the presence of the superpowered people, Marcus was part of a strike team whom went to battle the Hypers dubed by Yakob into doing his bidding. His unit took down several rogue hypes, protecting countless people. But his part in the conflict came to an end in the city of Winnipeg in Canada. Where his unit were sent to take down one of Yakob's highest ranking men, a powerful telekinetic. The aftermath of the battle left most of the city in ruins, thousands dead, the operation going down as one of H.I.T's greatest failures. Since then, Marcus has drowned himself in one bottle after another – two years of constant drinking has left him a shell of his former self, barely functional, he stays in Pointe Bordeaux, Louisiana, because it's one of the few cities where he doesn't owe anyone money. [/INDENT] [B]| MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: |[/B] [INDENT]Redemption, security, self improvement. Marcus feels like he owes the world to make up for his actions, but he realizes that he's broken, and that in time, he might get put back together again. He strongly believes in the ideals that drove him to joining H.E.L.P many years ago – in serving the public and saving people, weather they're human or hyperhuman. [/INDENT] [B]| REFERENCE POST(S): |[/B] [INDENT] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3134852]#1[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2867278]#2[/url] [/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT] Ham, always and forever ham. Mushrooms work, too. Marcus carries a Colt 1911 that used to belong to his grandfather. His favorite drink is 9 day old whiskey from Tennessee. Preferring blondes over all else, Marcus is quite the flirt.[/indent]